Pubdate: Thu, 13 Feb 2014
Source: North Wind, The (Northern MI U, MI Edu)
Copyright: 2014 The North Wind


The moment has come to decriminalize recreational cannabis use in Marquette.

On the heels of successful decriminalization initiatives in 2013, 
adding Lansing, Jackson and Ferndale to the list of Michigan cities 
with relaxed cannabis laws, Marquette could be the first to do so in 
the Upper Peninsula.

This move would reflect an acknowledgment that cannabis use is a 
reality in the community. By legitimizing the prosecution of 
recreational users, current cannabis rules prevent city law 
enforcement from using resources as wisely as possible. Chasing the 
smell of burning cannabis, writing citations, hiring attorneys and 
finally prosecuting individuals before a judge complicates a process 
that should not involve more than paying a fine at the courthouse.

Just as cannabis decriminalization would not legitimize its abuse, 
continuing prosecution will not abolish its presence. Cannabis has 
existed in Marquette's borders for decades; evidently, enforcing laws 
against its use have yielded nothing more than revenue.

Decriminalization measures have been wildly successful in Michigan. 
Almost every proposal to decriminalize cannabis use has passed by a 
landslide. The public consensus is in-now public officials must catch up.

Current cannabis laws precipitate harsh penalties that do not justly 
reflect the magnitude of the crime. That a good student can have 
financial aid revoked or be denied subsidized housing for possession 
would be laughable were it not for the damage caused to the 
individual's record.

Worse, an individual is eligible for incarceration for an offense as 
trivial as enjoying cannabis consumption. If a minor is merely fined 
for possessing alcohol, a lethal substance, what rationale is there 
to punish cannabis use more severely?

A national paradigm shift is happening. States and cities alike are 
pushing toward changing their approaches to cannabis laws. Heeding 
public opinion is a virtue officials must put before revenue, lest 
Marquette's future lies on the wrong side of history.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom