Pubdate: Tue, 25 Feb 2014
Source: New Haven Register (CT)
Copyright: 2014 New Haven Register
Author: Linda Connors


In response to Cindy O'Neill's belief that marijuana will only benefit addicts:

Cindy you've obviously never watched a loved one die a slow, 
excruciating death; or known someone who did receive relief from your 
so-called stronger pills, but was still left with nausea and drastic 
weight loss from chemo.

It's been proven with medical research that marijuana does help 
cancer patients, people with nerve damage pain and, yes, those with 
anxiety, to name a few. You will find it is no longer the nickel bag 
from the street helping these people. There are now many different 
strains, each containing different medical properties responding to 
different illnesses. They have even recently discovered a strain that 
will alleviate seizures in children with epilepsy and other brain 
disorders; would you deny them the chance at living a normal life?

You can digest the marijuana in many ways, not just smoking it. One 
can bake with it, or use oils that have been derived from the plant.

If a person unfortunate to have a disease currently treated with 
Oxycontin, Morphine, Dilauded or similar pain relievers (that tend to 
leave you out of it) can have their pain relieved with marijuana, I 
don't see why they wouldn't. If for no other reason than prolonging 
their built-up tolerance to drugs; leaving them some room for actual 
relief in the end.

As far as your worry about addicts getting free rein - they have it 
now. The law basically allows you to have a small personal amount and 
the attorney general has even advised local police to let it go or 
ticket them due to prison over-population. Heroin on demand - have 
that also, it's called a methadone clinic.

As with anything, it seems there will always be those who take 
advantage, abuse the system and society on a whole; but is that a 
good enough reason to deny those whose life can truly benefit from 
marijuana treatment?

- - Linda Connors Hamden
- ---
MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom