Pubdate: Thu, 06 Mar 2014
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2014 The Boston Herald, Inc
Author: Robert D'Amelio
Page: 18


This blue state has chosen to make marijuana available to just about
everyone who wants it ("DTA hack in the weeds after arrest," Feb. 25).
Legitimate medical authorities advise that smoking it is harmful to
your health. And there is a pill containing whatever people think is
beneficial in pot. So, exactly who is going to benefit by opening all
these street corner pot shops? The proprietors certainly. Some pols as
well. Meanwhile, users of EBT cards, provided by the state's
Department of Transitional Assistance, will spend their food money on

The next step will be pot legalization like in Colorado, where there
are ATM machines right in the pot shops to facilitate purchase. So,
what we end up with will be another intoxicant to muddle the minds of
young people.

- - Robert D'Amelio, Boston
- ---
MAP posted-by: Matt