Pubdate: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 Source: Morning Sun (Mt. Pleasant, MI) Copyright: 2014 Morning Sun Contact: Details: Author: Les Rosan Referenced: NOT HEARING MESSAGE ABOVE CACOPHONY Mt. Pleasant Police Officer Michael Covarrubias authored an oped column titled "The dangers of decriminalizing marijuana" which was published by the Morning Sun on March 1. The Covarrubias epistle immediately generated a tremendous amount of negative pushback from the online community which seemed to delight in pillorying his literary foray. On March 4 the Morning Sun published a rebuttal column titled "Physician response to dangers of decriminalizing marijuana." This guest column was authored by Dr. Robert Townsend, the president of a pain management clinic located in Mt. Pleasant. The online reaction to the Townsend column was instantaneous jubilation as the online community heaped accolades of praise upon their newly anointed messiah. Unfortunately, as is the case with many contentious issues, the facts and opportunity for reasoned debate often become the casualty of an escalated emotional cacophony. I know Mike Covarrubias personally and I have no doubt that his heart is in the right place and that his column was written with the best of intentions. I do not know Dr. Townsend, but I would suspect that this observation would also apply to him he prepared his rebuttal response. A majority of the information in Covarrubias's column was culled from a study prepared by University of Colorado Associate Professor, Dr. John Martyny. Dr. Martyny and the National Jewish Health research facility located in Denver, Colorado undertook a study on the harmful effects of indoor marijuana growing operations. From what I have been able to determine, the final report was unpublished and not subject to the normal peer review process necessary to validate the conclusions and recommendations. Some might construe this study as biased from the onset since it was coordinated by the Colorado Drug Investigators Association. The study received funding from a variety of law enforcement sources including the Department of Justice, the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police and the County Sheriff's of Colorado Association. One of Dr. Martyny's final conclusions was that law enforcement personnel were being exposed to hazardous levels of mold when entering indoor marijuana growing operations He further suggested the health risks rose to the same level as those encountered in meth labs which require a full hazmat response complete with ancillary protective equipment. It is unknown at this point if Martyny's recommendations have been implemented or if children found to be living in these growhomes are now immediately taken into protective custody. This study is reminiscent in many ways to some of the self-serving studies which had been funded by the tobacco companies years ago. After the Martyny study had been released, Caoimhn P. Connell, a well-respected Colorado industrial hygienist, authored a lengthy rebuttal response to the conclusions and recommendations found in the Martyny report. Mr. Connell's detailed rebuttal response may be located at the following link: Officer Covarrubias's column also cited a study by Madeline Meier. He claimed that this study concluded that the use of marijuana lowers a person's IQ. This is a very broad-based simplistic conclusion. The underlying fact overlooked by Covarrubias was that the Meier study focused on those who began smoking marijuana as adolescents and studied the effect of marijuana on the developing adolescent brain. It is just not as simple or as inflammatory as "marijuana use lowers IQ" because there is more to the story. In an attempt to be fair and balanced I must direct some attention to Dr. Townsend's column which was not without its own agenda-driven issues. Townsend made the broad assumption that Officer Covarrubias never speaks with college students about drug use unless they are in handcuffs and under arrest. That assertion is entirely baseless and Townsend has no way to verify his statement. Townsend wrote the following statement in his column: "All this nonsense about children being kicked out of their bedrooms so people can grow marijuana is designed not to show the danger to children, but to show their marijuana smoking parents are incapable of caring for them properly." Covarrubias was simply citing a study which concluded that there were hazards with maintaining indoor grow operations and perhaps that was not the best environment for young children. He in no way implied that adults who happen to smoke marijuana on occasion were poor parents incapable of caring for their children. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom