Pubdate: Tue, 25 Mar 2014
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2014 The Denver Post Corp
Author: John Ingold


The Ruling:

The Colorado Court of Appeals held that those charged with certain 
marijuana crimes before the Amendment 64 legalization of pot may be 
able to appeal those penalties.

The Impact:

Defense lawyers say more than 10,000 people may be eligible to have 
their marijuana convictions overturned, but prosecutors say that 
requires a broader interpretation.

Anywhere from a few dozen to more than 10,000 people could be 
eligible to have their old marijuana convictions overturned as the 
result of a landmark Colorado Court of Appeals ruling that applied 
marijuana legalization retroactively.

Colorado defense attorneys are poring through previous marijuana 
cases, looking for former clients who might be eligible for such 
relief, but much depends on how subsequent courts apply this month's 
ruling. On the surface, the ruling appears to have little reach, but 
attorneys say it is possible courts could follow the reasoning of the 
ruling to overturn every marijuana case in the state in which an 
adult was convicted of a crime that stopped being illegal when the 
state's marijuana-legalization law went into effect in late 2012.

"I think there are thousands of people who could potentially have 
their convictions overturned," said Sean McAllister, an attorney who 
specializes in marijuana cases and who said he is already working 
with several clients to see if their previous convictions could be tossed.

But, in order for that to be true, Colorado courts will have to adopt 
an expansive reading of the ruling - a scenario prosecutors see as unlikely.

"I think that's a tortured application of the (appeals court's) 
holding," said Tom Raynes, executive director of the Colorado 
District Attorneys' Council.

The appeals court's decision, released earlier this month, overturned 
two marijuana convictions for a woman found guilty in 2011 of things 
that are no longer illegal under state law as a result of Amendment 
64. The amendment, which went into effect on Dec. 10, 2012, makes it 
legal for people 21 and older to possess up to an ounce of marijuana 
or marijuana concentrate and grow up to six marijuana plants.

In the key passage from its ruling, the appeals court found that "a 
defendant is entitled to the benefits of amendatory legislation that 
mitigates the penalties for crimes when he files a motion for 
post-conviction relief."

That means anyone who currently has a pending appeal for a 
pre-Amendment 64 conviction or anyone who is still eligible to appeal 
such a conviction has a good chance of seeing it overturned, 
McAllister said. The catch, though, is that the window to appeal has 
closed in most cases where people were convicted of crimes that are now legal.

 From January through November 2012, for instance, about 4,800 people 
over 21 years old were charged with petty possession of less than 2 
ounces of marijuana, according to a Denver Post analysis of court 
data for every county in Colorado except Denver. Only about 900 of 
those charges resulted in some type of finding of guilt-most were 
dismissed. But for petty convictions, state law allows only a six 
month appeal window, which is long closed.

Misdemeanors have an 18month window, meaning there is a chance people 
convicted before Amendment 64 of possessing less than an ounce of 
marijuana concentrate or growing up to six plants could still be able 
to appeal. But The Post's analysis found fewer than 100 such cases 
that could potentially fit within the right time frame- and only a 
handful where the marijuana charge was the only charge.

Not looking for cases

A spokesman for the Colorado Judicial Branch said courts have not 
tried to identify how many pending appeals or so-far unappealed cases 
could be eligible for retroactive relief. And the Colorado attorney 
general's office plans to appeal to the state Supreme Court, meaning 
the Court of Appeals' ruling could be overturned.

Defense attorney Jeff Gard said there is one way tens of thousands of 
people could see their marijuana convictions tossed - even if they 
occurred long ago. State law allows people to appeal their 
convictions at any time if they can show"justifiable excuse or 
excusable neglect."

"That's exactly what we have here," Gard said. "Anybody who was 
walking down the street didn't know they had the opportunity to 
appeal until this ruling came out."

Attorney Patrick Mulligan, who specializes in appellate law, agreed 
that defendants could try such an argument. But he said courts 
usually set the bar extremely high for appeals filed outside the 
statute of limitations.

"The case law has made it very, very difficult for defendants to fit 
within the statutory definition of 'justifiable excuse' or 'excusable 
neglect,' " Mulligan said.
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