Pubdate: Wed, 09 Apr 2014
Source: Edmonton Journal (CN AB)
Copyright: 2014 The Edmonton Journal
Author: Otiena Ellwand


E-Cigarettes May Be Driving Spike In Hash Oil Production, Drug Team

Another type of oil industry is booming in Alberta.

Electronic cigarettes loaded with hash oil cartridges are becoming an
increasingly popular way to get a more intense high without getting

"So many of these young kids nowadays are using these electronic
cigarettes. It's odourless, colourless, it smells like bubble gum or
cherry, and here they are getting high," said Sgt. Dwayne Karpo of the
Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team's Green Team North on Tuesday.

Hash oil is made using the by-product of a marijuana plant, with the
leaves and stems being soaked in butane gas or isopropyl alcohol to
extract the potent cannabinoid-containing resin.

The process poses a risk to the public because of the use of highly
flammable chemicals such as butane gas and isopropyl alcohol.

In May 2013, an explosion at an Evansburg extraction lab killed one
man, left another man seriously injured, and levelled the building.

This past July, an extraction lab explosion occurred in northwest
Calgary's Royal Oak neighbourhood. The force of the explosion shook
the house and buckled the garage door on a quiet cul-de-sac where
children were playing nearby.

Firefighters first thought they found pipe bombs in the garage, but
the objects turned out to be homemade extraction filters.

"We are seeing people trying to emulate the process by watching videos
on the Internet, but in some cases the results have been deadly," Karpo said.

While no fires in Edmonton can be traced back to hash oil extraction,
Karpo said it's just a matter of time.

"The volume of volatile and flammable liquids stored in an extraction
lab generally far exceeds the allowable amount for a residential
occupancy, greatly increasing the risk of fire and explosion," said
fire marshal Tom Karpa of Edmonton Fire Rescue Services.



 From the Green Team police unit:

On average, the Green Team conducts 44 to 50 search warrants on
marijuana grow-ops per year

On average, the Green Team receives 200 calls regarding potential
marijuana grow-ops per year

Since last year, the Green Team has discovered five hash oil
extraction labs in Edmonton

Police Sgt. Dwayne Karpo estimates one out of five marijuana grow-ops
that are investigated have a hash oil extraction lab 
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