Pubdate: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 Source: Windsor Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2014 The Windsor Star Contact: Details: Author: Trevor Wilhelm Bookmark: (Corruption - Outside U.S.) COP ARRESTED FOR DRUGS AT BORDER Crack Cocaine Allegedly Found in Bshouty's Car A clearly angry and frustrated Windsor police chief faced the media Monday as one of his officers sat behind bars in Detroit for allegedly trying to smuggle crack cocaine over the border. Const. David Bshouty, with only five years on the job, remains in custody in Detroit after his arraignment for felony possession of a controlled substance less than 25 grams. He allegedly tried to smuggle about three grams of crack cocaine into Detroit on Saturday. Frederick, flanked by his senior management and media relations teams, held a news conference late Monday afternoon to give details of the two-month internal probe that brought down the "selfish" officer. He said outrage and disbelief about the case has rippled through the ranks from new cadets to top brass. "We're extremely angry, we're frustrated from top to bottom," Frederick said. "It is absolutely not reflective of the commitment of our frontline staff. Day after day, the amount of work that's going on in our community, on behalf of the community, the great successes that we're having across the board - this diminishes all of that." The investigation of Bshouty, who worked patrol since joining the force as a cadet in 2009, began Feb. 10. Windsor police frontline staff received an anonymous tip about illegal drug activity. The investigation moved quickly, using "covert measures and assets." "Without question there is no excuse for criminal activity," said Frederick. "This is a case where this officer's peers took a shred of evidence and engaged in a thorough investigation in the relentless pursuit of holding Bshouty accountable." On Feb. 14, Windsor police reached out to U.S. Homeland Security about what they'd learned. "Some of the information, as the investigation unfolded, was that he was crossing the border," said Frederick. Three or four Windsor officers worked the case on a consistent basis for two months, with even more working on it at different times. The investigation came to a head Saturday when Bshouty made a trip across the Ambassador Bridge. Officers and special agents with the Detroit Border Enforcement Security Task Force, a team spearheaded by Homeland Security Investigations, stopped him around 1:40 p.m. They searched his car and found the drugs. Frederick said Bshouty was on the way to some kind of "social activity" when he was stopped at the bridge. He said police didn't know when Bshouty would be crossing the border, but they gave U.S. Homeland Security a heads up to target him and his vehicle whenever they appeared. "We didn't know when that would occur, but it happened obviously on Saturday," said Frederick. "They conducted a search and located the contraband." He was arraigned Monday in Detroit's 36th District Court and remains in custody. Frederick has suspended Bshouty. But under provincial rules, the police service is required to continue paying him. Bshouty was with three other people when officers stopped him. Frederick said none of them are officers, and none of them are known to police. They haven't been charged. Asked why Bshouty wasn't slapped with other charges including the importation of narcotics, Frederick said those choices were made by U.S. authorities. But police said there is no evidence of drug trafficking at this point. Khaalid Walls, a spokesman with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said earlier in the day he couldn't comment further because the investigation isn't over. Despite repeated and very public efforts to clamp down on wrongdoing, this was the second time in a week that Frederick has had to address the alleged illegal actions of an officer. The Star reported Friday that Const. Warren Braganza, 37, is suspended with pay after being charged with assault and forcible confinement for allegedly assaulting his wife. Braganza is also scheduled to appear at a Police Act hearing later this month in relation to a car crash in Windsor last summer. Despite such high-profile cases, Frederick stressed the people facing charges are just a few among hundreds of good officers. "This is the action of one person engaged in alleged criminal conduct, and it is not in relation to his duties," Frederick said of Bshouty. "That, unfortunately, still reflects on all of us. The reaction by our frontline staff was a relentless and thorough investigation designed to hold Bshouty accountable." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom