Pubdate: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 Source: Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Copyright: 2014 The Arizona Republic Contact: Website: Details: Author: Dennis Bohlke Note: Dennis Bohlke, treasurer of Safer Arizona PAC WHAT IF... MARIJUANA WAS LEGAL IN ARIZONA FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES Our state would experience a renaissance of business, culture and arts if our citizens could be lifted from the tyranny of the marijuana laws. Our young people would no longer be preyed on and arrested to be branded as felons for the rest of their lives. There would be 18,000 fewer arrests each year. The seizing of property and children from us would be lessened. In Arizona each night, 81,000 people are behind bars in 13 prisons and 15 county jails, yet our state has only 235 beds for the mentally ill in the state hospital. Roughly two out of 100 adults in Arizona sleep behind bars. Arizona has become a theocracy of the corporate cult that wears magic underwear. The political repression implemented through the current drug laws would be lifted, and we could return to being what we historically have been: a state born in a progressive era. Our tourist industry would grow, and large corporations would be less hesitant to come to our state. Computer-technology-based business would increase. We would be safer and more secure in our homes knowing that our doors are not going to be busted down for a little weed. Fewer people would die of alcohol poisoning. Marijuana is safer than alcohol. Liberty and justice would be for all, not just those who are followers of the cult of abstinence and self-deprivation. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom