Pubdate: Wed, 23 Apr 2014
Source: Nanaimo Daily News (CN BC)
Page: A5
Copyright: 2014 Nanaimo Daily News
Author: Cara McKenna


A Vancouver Island company that voluntarily recalled a batch of
"purple kush" last week is not based out of Nanaimo.

Although Greenleaf Medicinals has a post office Box in Nanaimo, the
company - believed to be the first to ever recall marijuana under
Health Canada's new commercial marijuana program - has a facility in
North Cowichan, the municipality's planning and zoning department confirmed.

A Health Canada spokeswoman said she couldn't confirm or deny where
the company was producing its cannabis, but Greenleaf Medicinals has a
licensed business on Drinkwater Road in North Cowichan that is zoned
for medical marijuana production.

Since recalling its product following a government inspection,
Greenleaf Medicinals's website has been out of service and the company
has been removed from the Government of Canada's list of licensed producers.

Health Canada stated last week that Greenleaf is working with other
licensed producers to find a marijuana supply for impacted clients,
but one customer, who asked not to be identified, said the recall has
caused suffering for her even though she never received recalled
product because she has not been able to get any medical cannabis from
the company since.

She said she was told the company will announce in coming days whether
or not it will be able to continue production.

Health Canada said the recall of purple kush batch PK-10-2013 was "due
to issues with the companies production practices which were
identified during an inspection by Health Canada and may impact the

The government also stated that producers "are subject to compliance
and enforcement measures similar to those in place for other producers
of controlled substances. They must meet strict security, control and
reporting requirements, and they are regularly inspected."

No one from Greenleaf Medicinals was available for comment Monday or
Tuesday and a statement from Health Canada was not received by press
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