Pubdate: Thu, 24 Apr 2014
Source: Westword (Denver, CO)
Copyright: 2014 Village Voice Media
Author: William Breathes
Column: Ask a Stoner


Dear Stoner: What is the cheapest place to get a medical marijuana
recommendation? I've got all my paperwork, and I'm disabled.


Dear Malcolm: This is one of the most-asked questions on our Westword
potline, and the answer is: I don't know, because I see the same doc
I've been seeing for years now about my stomach issues. I'm also not
really into suggesting doctors based on who is cheapest. If you've
got every reason to get a medical marijuana card and no doctor in
Colorado would turn you down for a recommendation, I would suggest
flipping through the back of this very newspaper and calling some of
the clinics that advertise. Try explaining your financial situation
to them. I would think at least one has a program for low-income
patients. Otherwise, you can expect to pay around $50 or $60 for a
reasonable first-time doctor's visit, which really isn't much - about
the cost of a quarter-ounce of pot from an MMJ dispensary. You could
be paying double that plus tax if you rely on retail sales right now.
The good news is that the state medical marijuana registry card fees
have dropped to $15 annually.

Dear Stoner: How can I recognize mold on my buds?

Little Buddy

Dear Buddy: Mold isn't always the easiest thing to spot, but there
are some things you can look for and sniff out. First, your olfactory
system is a really advanced instrument, and when things smell putrid,
moldy or rotten, they usually are. The smell of mold is close to that
of rotting leaves, but the easiest way to describe it is that it's
just wrong. Think of a mildewed sponge. You don't need to see mildew
or even know what it is to recognize its musty smell. The same is
true for herb. Yes, good herb can smell really funky these days, but
it should still smell fresh. Look for a grouping of white fuzz, which
can be tricky to an untrained eye when the bud is coated in silvery
trichomes (the "crystals") - but trichomes don't bunch together like
mold does, and mold generally has a more creamy-yellow color than
trichs tend to have. On buds, it's usually easiest to spot on the
sides of the little teardrop-shaped pieces that make up the bulk of
the flower (those are called calyxes, by the way), but it is easier
to spot on the small fan leaves with fewer trichomes, where mold
stands out. And if you find moldy pot, say something. Tell your
caregiver or call the shop where you bought the herb; if they don't
remedy it for you, find a new source.
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MAP posted-by: Matt