Pubdate: Mon, 19 May 2014
Source: Daily Record, The (Ellensburg, WA)
Copyright: 2014 The Daily Record
Author: Mike Johnston


Rural Kittitas County residents plan to voice concerns about proposed 
indoor marijuana operation on Carroll Road during a county 
commissioners meeting Tuesday.

Seattle business people associated with the proposed project, which 
includes a nearly 60,000-square-foot steel building, contacted county 
officials about their plans for the site 11 miles southeast of 
Ellensburg. No formal application for a building permit or official 
plans or other required permits or documents have been submitted to 
the county for the project.

Residents spoke to commissioners during a May 6 meeting. Boston Road 
resident John Ufkes said they will speak again during the 
commissioners' 10 a.m. Tuesday meeting.

County commissioner Obie O'Brien said he plans to meet with Carroll 
Road residents today about the issue.

Ufkes said a petition is circulating and likely will be submitted to 
commissioners this week.

"It's hard to explain how emotionally concerned residents are about 
this," Ufkes said late last week. "It's so close to residential 
property out there; it just seems like the (new county marijuana 
operation rules) allow a free for all in placement."

Ufkes said marijuana isn't the typical agricultural product grown and 
processed in Kittitas County and comes with a high value that can 
result in problems on top of what appears to be a planned marijuana 
factory proposed for the Carroll Road site.

Ufkes said he wants a county government process that studies and 
evaluates each proposed marijuana growing and processing site in 
depth, with much more public input, comments and open hearings. The 
rules are too lenient for siting a facility on 20-acre lots or larger, he said.

"In a way, the surrounding (rural residents) become part of the 
security system, we're the ones to call the sheriff if we see 
something. I didn't sign up for this when we moved there," Ufkes said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom