Pubdate: Tue, 20 May 2014 Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB) Copyright: 2014 Robert Sharpe Contact: Details: Author: Robert Sharpe Referenced: WAR ON DRUGS FUTILE Re: "Food shoppers paying price for war on drugs," Kevin Brooker, Opinion, May 12. Prime Minister Stephen Harper needs to catch up with the 21st century. Even Americans have turned their backs on mandatory minimum prison sentences. If harsh penalties deterred illicit drug use, Canada's southern neighbour would be drug free. The U.S. drug war has done little other than give the land of the free the highest incarceration rate in the world. Putting non-violent drug offenders behind bars with violent criminals provides them with a taxpayer-funded education in anti-social behaviour. This can backfire when inmates are released years later with a PhD in criminality and no means of gainful employment. If the goal is to discourage unhealthy choices, there are cost-effective alternatives to mandatory minimum prison sentences that destroy lives and tear families apart. Thanks to public education and use restrictions, legal tobacco use has declined dramatically, without any need to criminalize smokers or further enrich violent drug cartels through tobacco prohibition. This drop in use in one of the most addictive drugs available has occurred despite widespread tobacco availability. The drug war is a cure worse than the disease. Robert Sharpe, Washington, D.C. Robert Sharpe is a policy analyst with Common Sense for Drug Policy. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D