Pubdate: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 Source: Columbus Dispatch (OH) Copyright: 2014 The Associated Press Contact: Details: Author: Jason Dearen, Associated Press Page: A11 POT POLLUTION Medical-Marijuana Farms in Northern California Accused of Damaging, Draining Waterways SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Some drought-stricken rivers and streams in northern California's coastal forests are being polluted and sucked dry by water-guzzling medical-marijuana farms, wildlife officials say. The issue has spurred at least one county to try to outlaw personal pot gardens. State officials say much of the marijuana being grown in northern counties under the state's medical-pot law is not being used for legal, personal use, but for sale in California and states where pot is still illegal. downstream into the lake and our water supply," she said. An environmental scientist holds a dead juvenile coho salmon found in a drought-stricken creek. Many affected waterways also contain endangered salmon, steelhead trout and other wildlife protected by state and federal law. Wildlife biologists noticed streams running dry more often over the 18 years since the state passed Proposition 215, a medical-marijuana law, but they weren't sure why. "We knew people were diverting water for marijuana operations, but we wanted to know exactly how much," said Scott Bauer, the department biologist who studied the pot farms' effects on four watersheds. "We didn't know they could consume all the water in a stream." So Bauer turned to Google mapping technology and satellite data to find out where the many gardens are and how many plants each contained. His study estimates that 30,000 pot plants are being grown in each river system - and he estimates that each plant uses about 6 gallons per day over marijuana's 150-day growing season. Some growers and others argue that the 6-gallon estimate is high, and that pot plants can use far less water, depending on size. Bauer compared that information with government data on stream flows, and he visited 32 sites with other biologists to verify the mapping data. He said most grow sites had posted notices identifying them as medical-pot farms. Pot-farm pollution has become such a problem in Lake County, south of Bauer's study area, that officials voted unanimously last year to ban outdoor plots. "Counties are the ultimate arbiter of land-use conflict, so while you have a right to grow marijuana for medicinal use, you don't have a right to impinge on someone else's happiness and well-being," Rushing said. Saying they were being demonized, pot users challenged the law and gathered enough signatures to place a referendum that is on Tuesday's ballot. They argue that grow restrictions like the ones being voted on in Lake County lump responsible users in with criminals. "We definitely feel environmental issues are a concern. But more restrictive ... ordinances will force people to start growing in unregulated and illegal places on public land," said Daniel McClean, a registered nurse and medical-marijuana user who opposes the outdoor-grow ban. While some counties are trying to help regulate the environmental effects of pot farms, Bauer hopes his study will lead to better collaboration with growers to help police the illegal use of water and pesticides. Previous collaborative attempts between government and growers have not ended well, said Anthony Silvaggio, a Humboldt State University sociology professor who studies the pot economy. Pot farmers believe they are being unfairly blamed for killing endangered salmon when decades of timber cutting and overfishing are the real culprits, Silvaggio said. The environmental issue has divided the marijuana-growing community. The Tea House Collective in Humboldt County offers people with prescriptions medicinal pot that it says is farmed by "small-scale, environmentally conscious producers." Despite efforts of some pot farmers to clean up their operations, the increased water use by farms is a "full-scale environmental disaster," said Fish and Wildlife Lt. John Nores, who leads the agency's Marijuana Enforcement Team. "Whether it's grown quasi-legally under the state's medical-marijuana laws, or it's a complete cartel, outdoor drug-trafficking grow site, there is extreme environmental damage being done at all levels," he said. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom