Pubdate: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2014 Postmedia Network Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Denise Ryan Page: A5 Cited: VANDU: Bookmark: BACK FROM THE BRINK OF DEATH Naloxone Is Saving Lives by Quickly Reversing an Opioid Overdose. but It Is Not Readily Accessible Outside the glass doors of VANDU, the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, a welcoming, if rag tag, band of community members mills on the sidewalk, exchanging jocular asides, faces crinkling with warm smiles. Anyone who comes through these doors, with few exceptions, is going to be treated as family. The storefront on East Hastings has been part community centre, part health resource and part home to drug users in Vancouver since 1998. As people bustle in and out the front door, pull chairs into rooms for meetings, check in at the front counter and gather in the lobby, only a few things make this space look different than any other community centre: a bulletin board with a notice for a pot luck, for example, also has a notice warning about fentanyl-laced heroin. Upstairs at VANDU, Lorna Bird settles into a chair and places a small blue zip pouch on the table in front of her. In it is a take-home overdose kit that contains two ampoules of Naloxone, the drug that not so long ago saved her life. "Last year I did OD," she says. "I guess the dope was really strong and I ended up ODing." She touches a crudely tattooed heart on her arm. "That's where they put the needle." Bird, a heroin addict and former board member at VANDU, had been in Victoria for a conference. A chronic user, Bird shoots up at least seven times a day. Like many addicts, Bird habitually injected alone, increasing her risk of death. She has her reasons for not using Insite, Vancouver's supervised injection site, when she is in the city. On that day in Victoria, she got lucky - she wasn't alone. "I got my rig ready and everything, then I went to do it and next thing you know I was just sitting there and it was like I was finishing the same sentence I was saying before." Bird had no idea she had nearly died. Someone else in the room had to tell her she had OD'd, and that Naloxone had been used to save her life. Bird felt fine. The only thing that could convince her was a tiny pinprick in her arm at the tip of her tattoo. She knows how lucky she is. "It scared me. I will not use alone anymore." She carries her own overdose kit in case it happens again. "I was really lucky. I had three angels with me that day." She unzips the small blue fanny pack, ruffles through it to remove a small glass ampoule. "I'm very fortunate I had this. Without it, I wouldn't be alive." Take-home program Naloxone, an opioid "antagonist," quickly and efficiently reverses an opioid overdose, and many users at VANDU are participating in a take-home Naloxone program that is drawing international attention as rates of opiate addiction soar in communities across North America. Revival from overdose is possible, and lives can be saved. Near death one moment, bolt upright the next: it's almost as fantastic as the scene in Pulp Fiction, when a woman overdoses and is brought back to life with epinephrine administered through one needle-stab to the heart. Although Naloxone is not the drug portrayed in that movie, its effects are equally dramatic, and the case for increasing its availability is compelling. Naloxone is an almost instant antidote to opioid overdose: it takes just one minute to start working. It is easy to administer, is not addictive and has no effect on the body if administered incorrectly. In B.C. it is available to paramedics and emergency room physicians. Through the take-home Naloxone program, an initiative of the Harm Reduction program at the BC Centre for Disease Control, the drug has also been made available to addicts and other participants since its inception in 2012. Advocates argue that it should also be widely and easily available to anyone who may be in contact with someone using opioids - family members, mothers, brothers, roommates of users - and be reclassified for over-the-counter availability. Because prescription opioids, especially when mixed with alcohol, have such high fatality rates, some experts believe if there are opioids in the medicine cabinet, there should be Naloxone too. (Overdose is the most common cause of death among heroin and other opioid users.) "We are very proud of our program," said Dr. Jane Buxton, head of harm reduction at the BCCDC. In Italy, says Buxton, you can buy the drug over the counter. "If someone has taken opioids, and has too many on board, and that could be heroin, or it could be a prescribed opioid like Fentanyl or methadone or morphine, the opioids act on a centre in the brain that depresses respiration. Breathing becomes shallow, people can turn blue because of lack of oxygen and die. Naloxone actually pushes the opioid off those receptors on the brain to restore the breathing." The drug will be effective for about 30 minutes, after which it wears off and another dose might be necessary. Other opioids, like methadone, are long-acting. Buxton says for this reason, they advise people to call for an ambulance even if the Naloxone appears to have successfully reversed an overdose. Addicts saving addicts B.C.'s take-home Naloxone program includes an education component, including 40 sites throughout the province educating drug users and distributing the kits. Only opiate users can get a prescription for the take-home kit, but the program is designed to train people close to the user how to administer the drug. "They're the ones that are going to be using the kit," says Buxton. Naloxone has been available in Canada for 40 years, but until 2012 the drug was only available to paramedics and emergency departments. But because of stigma and fear, Naloxone may not be saving enough lives. One of the greatest barriers to access is that opioid users must declare themselves to a doctor in order to get Naloxone. Many users, particularly young people and teenagers, are reluctant to do so, and because the drug can only be prescribed to a user, a parent or friend can't get a kit, even if they know a loved one is using. "Illicit drug users, particularly teens, might be afraid of criminalization, or afraid of getting arrested if they called for help," said Rob McGirr, a youth addiction counsellor. However, Buxton says, "If your child is an opiate user, you can go with your child and have the training, and they would receive the kit. You can hang on to the kit, you can have it at home, you can use it on your child." In 2013, 308 people died of illicit drug overdoses in B.C. In 2009, 60 per cent of those who died of drug overdoses were opioid-related, and an additional 74 deaths were related to legally prescribed opioids. Many of them could have been saved if someone nearby had a Naloxone kit. Eighty-five per cent of overdoses happen in the presence of other people. Among participants in the take-home Naloxone program, often it is addicts who are saving addicts. Laura Shaver is one of the 800 British Columbians who has been prescribed a take-home kit, and she has reversed nine overdoses already. Shaver has been on methadone for 12 years after struggling and relapsing on heroin on and off for years. She calls herself a "functioning drug user." Shaver has never had Naloxone used on her, but she knows the most important thing. "It saves lives." She is critical of the B.C. health authorities that make the drug so difficult to attain. "If somebody has OD'd, you can't use too much on them; you can't hurt them. The only thing Naloxone does is counteract with the opiate," she says. "You can't get high from it, you can't die from it but it will stop you from dying." She happened to have the kit while on a camping trip with friends. One of them accidentally overdosed on methadone. They were 45 minutes from help. "If I hadn't been prescribed the Naloxone or had it with me, that man would have died." Anne McNabb, Director Inner City Mental Health and Addiction Services for Vancouver Coastal Health said, "Morally and ethically it would be appropriate to have friends, relatives or close companions of someone who uses having access and being trained to use Naloxone. It may be a question of resource in terms of supplying the drug, or expanding the program." Shaver wants wider availability. "You have to be an opiate user to be prescribed it. You can't just go to a doctor and say, 'Hey, I'm around a lot of opiate users and I've been around people that OD, can I get some?' No, you can't." She said VANDU staff members, who want to be able to save lives, have been refused kits because they are not active drug users. "It should be as easy to get as Tylenol or at a walk-in clinic," said Shaver. "Using heroin doesn't have a face. It doesn't choose a blond, a native, a white person ... it could be your sister, your mother, your brother, your son." The difficulty in accessing Naloxone, Shaver says, is "embarrassing. They know how it saves lives." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom