Pubdate: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 Source: National Post (Canada) Copyright: 2014 Canwest Publishing Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Katrina Clarke Page: A8 Vancouver Tweeter FREE HUNT FOR POT NOT LEGAL, POLICE SAY An anonymous Twitter user is handing out free marijuana in Vancouver to anyone who can find it, but police warn this could be considered trafficking. Using the handle a someone is tweeting clues to the location of hidden marijuana in and around the B.C. city. "Spreading the green love around Vancouver," postings say. "Hidden Weed" is a different take on "Hidden Cash," the money craze started by an anonymous millionaire real estate investor in San Francisco in May. The man started hiding envelopes, each with a $100 bill, around the city and used Twitter to help strangers find the money. The "Hidden Cash" craze has spread throughout the United States and Canada. Vancouver has also seen "Hidden Beer" and "Hidden Weed," which started June 4 and had more than 2,300 followers Monday. "It's making everyone happy at the beginning of summer," said Robert Craig, who found a marijuana "prize" on Sunday. "It's pretty funny. It's pretty lighthearted." He was following the Hidden Weed Twitter account when he saw a clue indicating the marijuana was six blocks from his house. The 35-year-old and his girlfriend found their prize, a container filled with four grams of "very high quality" marijuana, in a flower bed downtown. Mr. Craig split the prize with another searcher who "looked like he was having a rough day," he said. He suspects a Vancouver dispensary is behind the gimmick. He points to the containers in which the drug is found, saying they are the same ones dispensaries use, with built-in grinders, and also to the quality of the marijuana. He thinks it's probably all a public relations stunt. Six canisters were hidden on Sunday. Vancouver police say they are aware of the "Hidden Weed" scavenger hunts. While no incidents have yet been reported to police, the person who is distributing the pot could "technically" be considered a trafficker. "You could potentially face charges of trafficking if you're intentionally leaving an illegal substance somewhere for someone to pick up," said police spokesman Randy Fincham. Mr. Fincham said the larger concern is an ethical one. A young child could find the drug or someone may have an adverse reaction to it. "If it didn't go the criminal route, then it's definitely in poor taste," he said. Brendan Hansell, a 25-year old North Vancouver resident who found hidden weed Friday, said he supposes some "transaction" is taking place, but doesn't think it should warrant an arrest. "I think the police probably have bigger fish to fry than going around searching for someone hiding a couple of grams of weed every week," he said. In his view, the "Hidden Beer" hunt, which took place in Vancouver last week, was worse than hiding marijuana. "No one really thought that was a big deal, even though it's illegal to sell beer to minors," he said, adding he would be concerned if children found the marijuana. As for what's in the canisters, Mr. Hansell isn't worried potentially dangerous substances could have been added. "The old poisoned apple thing? I'm sure that would end the sensation behind the Twitter followers pretty quickly if anyone had anything bad to say about the weed," he said. "Everything's been positive so far." It's not clear what the future of "Hidden Weed" will be. Requests on Twitter for an interview with the person or persons behind "Hidden Weed" went unanswered. "I have a feeling it's probably not going to make it out of Vancouver. It's probably not going to fly in other cities," said Mr. Craig. "You'd definitely never get away with it in Winnipeg." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom