Pubdate: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 Source: Citizen, The (Auburn, NY) Copyright: 2014 Auburn Publishers Inc. Contact: Website: Details: BRING MEDICAL MARIJUANA TO A VOTE Time is running out for meaningful legislation to be passed in Albany before lawmakers break for the summer, and among the items that should be passed is allowing medical marijuana to be given to patients suffering painful and debilitating conditions. There appears to be widespread agreement in both houses to pass a bill - - and Gov. Andrew Cuomo has indicated he'd support it - but some Republican senators, including Sen. John DeFrancisco, are holding up progress. There's clear support among the people of the state and within the Capitol for this bill that's been convincingly justified by advocates suffering from chronic diseases, so it would be shameful if it was killed at this point because of a political power play. DeFrancisco has threatened to kill the legislation in his finance committee, and he and Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos, who could also block the bill, are both opposed to patients being allowed to smoke the drug, preferring instead the options of marijuana oils, vapors or edibles. Perhaps the idea of smoking grass is just too emblematic of 1960s hippies for Republicans to possibly support, but it would be a shame if that were to become the line in the sand for this legislation. Doctors are perfectly capable of deciding how best to have the drug administered to their patients. More likely, the holdup is just another case of politics as usual, which would indicate that DeFrancisco and other members of the Senate are forgetting the promises they made a couple years ago. The deal that resulted in a coalition leadership involving a handful of Senate Democrats was supposed to have ushered in a new era of cooperation and provide a more democratic process of letting legislation work its way through the system. The Senate must call for a full floor vote on medical marijuana so that New Yorkers can find out where their representatives stand. This legislation isn't about what the Assembly wants or what the governor wants. And it certainly shouldn't be a debate about vaporizing vs smoking. It is about providing medical relief to people who are suffering. And politics must not stand in the way of that. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt