Pubdate: Thu, 10 Jul 2014
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2014 Postmedia Network Inc.
Page: A16


So let's get this straight. You can now legally purchase and consume
recreational marijuana in Washington State but you better not be
caught smoking it at Mount Baker or on other federal land in the state
or you might get arrested.

And while it's, like, totally chill for Canadians to visit Washington
State to buy and smoke its hugely taxed pot, for goodness sake don't
mention that as your plan to a U.S. border guard. They are federal
agents and they will likely deny you entry and enter your name on the
U.S. watch list that could make it very difficult to enter the U.S. in
the future.

And if a Canadian does buy some of that legal Washington State ganja,
don't even think about trying to bring it back into Canada. Even
though weed is now far more common in B.C. than Rye and Coke and
personal pot use almost totally ignored by police, it's still illegal.
Canadian border guards will arrest you if you get caught trying to
smuggle legal Washington State pot into Canada.

Doesn't all this seem a bit absurd? The same marijuana is legal, then
illegal, depending on jurisdiction or location?

It's time to end the expensive policing of a drug that is relatively
safe that so many people clearly wish to consume. The federal
governments of Canada and the U.S. need to legalize pot and quit
making criminals out of decent citizens.
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MAP posted-by: Matt