Pubdate: Thu, 10 Jul 2014
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2014 The Boston Herald, Inc
Author: Chucky Rosa
Page: 16


Moving toward the legalization of marijuana is the wrong way to go
("Pot system doped up," July 1). I lost two of my sons, Domenic and
Vincent Rosa, to accidental drug overdoses and almost lost a third son
to drugs as well. Those problems all started with marijuana use. I
have worked the past 10 years now with youth and families - mentoring,
consulting and facilitating things such as parent support groups and
drug and alcohol presentations.

Often I meet parents who tell me that, since their sons or daughters
started smoking pot, their grades in school have dropped, they stopped
playing sports or doing healthy activities, they lost their old
friends and are fighting with siblings and parents. We need to educate
our youth on the dangers of drugs and alcohol and have a consistent
curriculum on harmful effects physically, mentally and socially. Then
the future leaders of this country can make their own decisions.

- - Chucky Rosa, Seabrook, N.H. The writer is the founder of Chucky's
Fight, an anti-drug group.
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MAP posted-by: Matt