Pubdate: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 Source: Sudbury Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2014 Osprey Media Contact: Website: Details: Author: Antonella Artuso Page: A7 Bookmark: (Paraphernalia) SAY NO TO CORNER STORE BONGS Toronto - The provincial government should crack down on convenience stores that sell bongs, drug pipes, pill grinders and similar items, the Ontario Safety League (OSL) says. Brian Patterson, president and CEO for the OSL, said an undercover operation this spring in convenience stores in Toronto and Barrie that carried drug paraphernalia found staff were routinely willing to sell to 17-year-old mystery shoppers. The bongs and pipes can be used to smoke pot and crack, while the pill grinders allow people to abuse prescription narcotics. "We need action to stop neighbourhood stores from selling drug paraphernalia, particularly to our children," Patterson said. The OSL is calling on the province to ban the sale of lottery tickets from convenience stores that carry illicit drug paraphernalia. that we have in place, but we've got mechanisms there to protect the public interest." Marc Paris, executive director for Partnership for a Drug Free Canada, said convenience store owners often agree to sell these items because they don't have to put any money into them up front as they're sold on a consignment basis. Many corner store workers are putting in 90-hour work weeks to get by, he said. "There's probably a five-fold profit margin on some of the items," Paris said. "When you consider what they have to sell in other items to gain $20 or $30 in profit, that's one of the reasons we think they've bought in." The Ontario Convenience Stores Association supports the prohibition on the sale of illegal drug paraphernalia, but argues that federal law already deals with these items so new provincial penalties would likely be ineffective. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom