Pubdate: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 Source: Forbes Magazine (US) Copyright: 2014 Forbes Inc. Contact: Details: THE QUITE HILARIOUS GRASSISNOTGREENER.COM CAMPAIGN AGAINST MARIJUANA LEGALISATION There's a moment of some joyous hilarity today as an organisation calling itself "" takes out an ad in the New York Times opposing that newspaper's editorial line that the time has come to legalise marijuana. The fun comes from looking at who is supporting this campaign and then trying to work out why they're doing so. The co-founder seems to be one of the more addicted Kennedys, the former Congressman from Rhode Island, Patrick. I'm afraid that I stray from accepted wisdom here, I tend not to think that addicts, whether former or not, have any great insights into what the rest of us should be allowed to do. I'm much more likely to take seriously on these subjects someone like myself who has dabbled in all sorts of things over the decades but not really found myself even discommoded, let alone trapped, by any of them. Given that that seems to be the usual human experience, most of us have tried one drug or another and few of us have become addicted to any of them, that sounds like the more sensible group of people to listen to. Rather than, say, someone who blamed a car crash on the use of too much Adderall. But there's much more fun at their website: is an initiative of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (Project SAM), a nonpartisan alliance of lawmakers, scientists and other concerned citizens, co-founded by former Congressman Patrick Kennedy. The initiative is supported by a number of prevention, treatment, and medical groups. Prevention, treatment and medical groups? You mean precisely the groups that if dope becomes a usual and accepted part of American life won't actually have those nice middle class jobs dealing with "drug addicts" any more? You might think that I'm being too harsh here but the first thing that should be in everyones' mind when we consider support or opposition to one or another piece of public policy is "Cui bono?" Who benefits from whatever it is that is being proposed? In this case the supporting groups include the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. Two groups who really would see a fall off in business if hundreds of thousands of people aren't criminalised each year for smoking a common ditchweed. Their claims are also amusing: "Marijuana can lead to schizophrenia, psychosis and depression." Well, no, not really, although there's definitely a correlation between all four. The usual finding though is that those who feel their minds weakening under the advance of those three (serious and horrible) mental disorders seem to self-medicate, pot being one of the things they do so with. You might call me cynical for saying this but what we see here is is those who make their living from the current drug laws arguing that they must be kept, that freedom must be denied, so that they get to keep their jobs. Which is, when you come to think of it, a fairly hilarious argument, most especially if we take them seriously. Update. An organisation called the Marijuana Majority has contacted us and their Chairman, Tom Angell, has this to say about the ad: As someone who has been working in the legalization movement for over a decade to smash unhelpful stereotypes about who uses marijuana, I actually love this ad. The vast majority of people who see it in the newspaper are going to think it's a pro-legalization ad making the point that not only hippies use marijuana, but successful businesspeople do too. And most people who bother to read the text are going to realize that legalization means that a professional, aboveground industry will be taking control of the marijuana trade once we take it out of the hands of the violent drug cartels and gangs that run the show in the prohibition-created black market. I'm a little sad that SAM didn't ask Marijuana Majority to help fund the ad. A quite wonderful point, I hope you'll agree. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt