Pubdate: Mon, 04 Aug 2014
Source: Seattle Times (WA)
Copyright: 2014 The Seattle Times Company
Author: Bob Knudson
Page: A9


Praise for Officer Who Cracked Down on Public Use

I'm glad that at least one Seattle police officer is committed to
enforcing the law against marijuana use in public ["SPD Probes cop who
wrote 80 percent of pot-use tickets," Local News, July 30]. He should
be congratulated, not investigated. I get the sense that most officers
are looking the other way when they observe this problem, or at most
they issue a toothless warning. And I also get the impression that
City Attorney Pete Holmes is not at all interested in enforcing this
aspect of the pot legalization law.

Unless a clear message is sent that you can't smoke pot in public, by
issuing citations and going after those scofflaws who don't pay the
fine, those who use pot will continue to ignore the law, and it will
become an increasing problem.

Bob Knudson, Seattle
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MAP posted-by: Matt