Pubdate: Thu, 07 Aug 2014
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2014 Postmedia Network Inc.
Author: Chris Cullen
Page: A17


Everyone sick and tired of hearing from and or about Marc and Jody 
Emery, raise their hands.

These are not heroes. These are not "civil rights" activists. These 
are not role models. Nor are they the pillars of the community they 
have been elevated to.

Marc Emery is a criminal who was caught and rightly charged. Jody 
Emery is simply riding his coat-tails to fame and fortune. She has 
nothing meaningful or significant to say.

This duo has made a lucrative career out of the marijuana issue, and 
an entirely self-serving one at that. That they are paid any 
attention or credence is an indicator of just how warped and perverse 
our collective priorities have become.

Now they appear poised to embark on political careers based in 
"revenge." This is sickening, and a gross misuse of the right to run 
for public office.

There are real issues facing every Canadian, and, yes, everyone 
everywhere on earth. There are and have been wars fought, legitimate 
civil rights movements championed. Yet these two see fit to try and 
make a federal election a "single-issue referendum on legalizing 
cannabis." This is what passes for a crucial issue in a national 
election in this country now?

I weep for the future.

Chris Cullen, North Vancouver
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom