Pubdate: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 Source: Moose Jaw Times-Herald (CN SN) Copyright: 2014 The Moose Jaw Times-Herald Group Inc. Contact: Details: Page: A4 CAN THE PRINCE OF POT CHANGE CANADIAN POLITICS? Oct. 19, 2015 will be known across Canada as Legalization Day to celebrate the much-awaited legalization of marijuana. Well, at least according to Marc Emery, it will be. Well, at least according to Marc Emery, it will be. The self proclaimed Prince of Pot is on a political mission to get Justin Trudeau of the Liberal party elected next year. Why? Because Trudeau has vowed to legalize pot if he's elected. For those who don't know anything about Emery, he's been in the U.S. for the past four years serving time for selling marijuana seeds to American clients from his Vancouver-based company, Cannabis Culture. He's a marijuana advocate and have been an icon to many stoners across the country. On Thursday he returned to Canada and was greeted by his wife, fans, and probably clouds of smoke. Now that he's back, his No. 1 priority is legalizing marijuana. Since his time in prison, several states in America have legalized pot, and it is possible the rest of the country isn't too far behind. Can the Prince of Pot change Canadian politics as we know it, like our neighbours south of the border did? He sure thinks he can and he's committed to campaigning for legalization until election day. He already has a Canadian university tour starting Jan. 25, 2015 in the works. He also has a 30 city Canadian-wide tour starting Sept 10, 2015 to October 17, the day before the federal election. Some of his goals? To seek political revenge on the conservative government for their role in his extradition, and to spread the power of pot. In the coming months and year, it's going to be interesting to see the country's reaction to the Prince of Pot. What parts of the country will welcome him with open arms, and which parts will close the door on him and Trudeau. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom