Pubdate: Sun, 17 Aug 2014
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2014 The Tribune Co.
Author: F. M. Younglove,
Section: Views
Page 2


The recent opinion piece on the front page of the Tribune, "Greed 
fuels rally for medical pot" by Douglas MacKinnon (Aug. 9), reaches 
more incorrect conclusions in one article than I have seen in a long time.

MacKinnon calls Colorado "the poster child for all that can go 
wrong." I would be more apt to call Colorado a shining example. 
Colorado Gov. John Lickenlooper has estimated Colorado will take in 
$1 billion in marijuana taxation in it's first year. Colorado is a 
state with one quarter the population of Florida.

MacKinnon also asserts legal marijuana will somehow create a black 
market, when the opposite it true. Legalization will kill the black 
market. Of course, what is proposed here in Florida is a far cry from 
true legalization that Colorado has. MacKinnon goes on to speak of 
the evils of marijuana like we are about to legalize it. He mentions 
deaths from car crashes, suicide and respiratory problems. I would 
suggest the most dangerous thing about marijuana are the laws marking 
it illegal. The only death I know of from marijuana was the recent 
shooting of a man in his own home by a swat team over two-tenths of 
an ounce of pot.

MacKinnon seems to have zero compassion for people who feel medical 
marijuana can help them live a better life. And if you are worried 
about the health of the citizens of Florida, how about a letter to 
Will Weatherford and crew to give 900,000 Floridians health care. 
After all, we know about six people die every day due to the Florida 


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