Pubdate: Thu, 14 Aug 2014
Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Copyright: 2014 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Giuseppe Valiante
Page: 11


Prince of Pot says he makes Grits nervous

OTTAWA - Marijuana activist Marc Emery promises to campaign for the
federal Liberals, but he says the party doesn't seem to want anything
to do with him.

One day after his release from U.S. prison, Emery said the Liberals'
anxiety about him is causing problems for his wife, Jodie Emery, 29,
who is running for the Liberal nomination in the Vancouver East riding.

"I think (the Liberals) are nervous about me and it's reflected in the
way they are treating my wife," he said Wednesday morning in Toronto.
He didn't elaborate.

Marc Emery walked into Canada Tuesday a free man, after serving 4 1/2
years in a Louisiana prison for selling millions of marijuana seeds to
the U.S. from his B.C. business.

His pro-pot activism - and the millions he made selling seeds - earned
him the title Prince of Pot.

A Liberal Party spokesman wouldn't comment directly on Jodie's
upcoming campaign, only saying that "(The Liberals) have open
nominations in every riding and any Canadian can apply."

Emery said if the party runs a "transparent" nomination campaign in
Vancouver East, Jodie will win.

"I'm very popular in that community and I have no doubt I can get
hundreds of signatures," he said.

But Emery doubts the race will be clean.

However, he said he won't stop campaigning around the country to get
people to vote Liberal.

Emery said the Liberals are the only party that advocates for
marijuana legalization, despite concerns the position could alienate
certain immigrant communities.

The Liberals should forget about the Chinese and Jewish votes because
their support will likely go to the Conservatives, Emery said.

"The law-and-order and so-called right-wing agenda is appealing to the
more reactionary immigrant groups that come to Canada," he said.

The Liberals should instead focus on "French Canadians, English
Canadians, young professional people and urban people."
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MAP posted-by: Matt