Pubdate: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 Source: Barrie Examiner (CN ON) Copyright: 2014, Barrie Examiner Contact: Website: Details: Author: Jessica Hume Page: D1 TRUDEAU 'POLITICIZING' MARIJUANA DEBATE: FEDS 'Telling Kids to Not Smoke Pot Is Not a Partisan Attack,' Ambrose Says OTTAWA - Federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose blames Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau after doctors groups declined to participate in a government anti-marijuana campaign. Speaking at a meeting of the Canadian Medical Association, Ambrose accused Trudeau of "politicizing" the debate over marijuana and said that shouldn't take away from the importance of the government's message. "Telling kids to not smoke pot is not a partisan attack on Justin Trudeau by Health Canada," Ambrose said. "It is a sound public health policy backed by science - whether it's legal or illegal, the health risks remain the same." The feds tried to enlist the College of Family Physicians, Canadian Medical Association and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to endorse an educational campaign aimed at discouraging young people from smoking marijuana, also illuminating Canadians about its potentially harmful effects. An ad released by the Tories focused on Trudeau's idea to legalize marijuana, saying his policy would make it easier for children to access the drug. Trudeau, who has said he believes marijuana should be regulated and taxed in a way similar to alcohol, responded that the Conservative government's anti-marijuana messaging was an attack against him personally. Outgoing CMA president Dr. Hugo Louis Francescutti said the group had "never signed on" to participate in the ad campaign and explained that it "took a twist that looked political." As a result, "members did not want us to be affiliated with a campaign like that." That said , Francescutti acknowledges that "especially in youth, the evidence is irrefutable - marijuana is dangerous." He also said medical marijuana puts doctors in a "precarious" position by having the ability to prescribe a drug previously covered under the Criminal Code, without the body of scientific research that usually accompanies a drug a doctor would recommend to a patient. "We're stuck providing access to patients to marijuana, but we have to come up with a model that's within a legal framework," he said. "If marijuana was to be tested like any other product that calls itself medication, we wouldn't be having this conversation." Francescutti has more trouble with the idea of advising patients to smoke their medication than with the notion that marijuana can have therapeutic properties. "If we could deliver it through a cookie or a milkshake or a pill then we'd welcome it with open arms." Ambrose said a clinical trial was underway to study the longer-term effects of medical marijuana. About a year ago, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police came out in support of ticketing, rather than laying charges against individuals found to carrying 30 grams of marijuana or less. Francescutti wouldn't comment on that idea, as his concern is with the long-term health effects. "There are inherent dangers in chronic use," he said, pointing to a lowering of IQ, unmasking psychosis and generally hampering educational performance. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom