Pubdate: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 Source: Barrie Examiner (CN ON) Copyright: 2014, Barrie Examiner Contact: Website: Details: Author: Giuseppe Valiante Page: B1 EMERYS TO PUSH HARD FOR POT LEGALIZATION Prince of Pot Returns From U.S. on Tuesday OTTAWA - Marc and Jodie Emery, Canada's royal couple of marijuana, plan to take their drug-reform fight global after Marc returns home from the U.S. a free man. Soon after Marc walks across the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit into Windsor, Ont., on Tuesday afternoon, Jodie said the couple will fly to Ireland and Spain on sponsored speaking gigs. Jodie has waited more than four years for her husband, once the largest supplier of marijuana seeds to the U. S., to finish his sentence for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana. Known as the Prince of Pot, Marc made millions selling his marijuana seeds across the border from his British Columbia-based company and drew the ire of the U. S. Drug Enforcement Agency, which successfully secured his extradition from Canada in 2010. Jodie said when they return from Europe they'll "be on a cross- country welcome home tour" during which they'll campaign for drug reform in Canada and for their new favourite political party, the federal Liberals. Ten years ago, Marc and Jodie supported the NDP, which "at least talked about" legalization, she said. Now their man is Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, who supports marijuana legalization. Jodie said she received her official Liberal nomination papers this week for the riding of Vancouver East, which has been held by the NDP's Libby Davies since 1997. Jodie said the reaction to her candidacy from Liberal party insiders has been "mixed." "I've received messages from insiders who are thrilled, and from Liberal party members asking why I'm (joining the party)," she said. If Jodie wins the nomination but loses the federal election because of her ties to Marc - a convicted felon - she said the people of Vancouver East will still have "a wonderful parliamentarian." "I love Libby ( Davies)," Jodie said. "She's amazing." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom