Pubdate: Thu, 14 Aug 2014
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2014 Postmedia Network Inc.
Author: Glen McGregor
Page: A14


Move Comes As Party Launches New Separate Advertising Blitz on Trudeau

OTTAWA - As the Conservatives repeatedly attack Liberal leader Justin 
Trudeau over his support for the legalization of marijuana, the 
federal government has asked three groups representing Canadian 
doctors to endorse a taxpayer-funded advertising campaign warning 
about the drug's health risks for young people.

Health Canada has approached the Canadian Medical Association, the 
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of 
Family Physicians of Canada asking them to sign on to the broadcast 
advertising campaign, scheduled to launch some time in the fall.

The organizations would not be required to fund the ad campaign, 
estimated to cost $5 million, but their logos and endorsements would 
appear in them, according to a source familiar with the proposal.

The campaign comes as the Conservative Party runs its own attack ads 
alleging Trudeau's approach to legalization would make it easier for 
children to obtain pot.

On Tuesday, the party premiered an online video highlighting Trudeau 
statements on legalization, with the closing line, "Help keep 
marijuana away from our kids."

The Tories have also repeatedly cited Trudeau's marijuana position in 
email campaigns aimed at shaking more money out of supporters, even 
though recent polls show Canadians warming to the idea of 
liberalizing marijuana laws.

In a pamphlet sent to constituents earlier this year, Veterans 
Affairs Minister Julian Fantino alleged Trudeau wants to "make buying 
marijuana a normal, everyday activity for young Canadians" and even 
charged that the Liberal leader wants to allow the sale of pot in 
corner stores.

In fact, Trudeau has suggested the government regulate and tax the 
sale of marijuana, similar to provincially regulated beer and liquor 
sales, and says this will help keep the drug away from children.

The request from Health Canada has made some affiliated with the 
organizations nervous about taking a public stance on what is 
becoming an increasingly partisan political issue, even if many 
physicians are concerned about pot's long-term effects on physical 
and mental health.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom