Pubdate: Tue, 07 Oct 2014
Source: Alaska Dispatch News (AK)
Copyright: 2014 Alaska Dispatch Publishing
Note: Anchorage Daily News until July '14
Author: Garrett Steiglemen


In regards to the Ballot Measure 2 marijuana legalization issue: I'm
not going to get into the specific arguments of either side because
neither side is listening to anyone or anything that doesn't support
their view, myself included. I've seen the negative results of
marijuana use first-hand, and nothing anyone says or does, including
legalizing it, will change my perception of the drug or of those who
use it.

However, I would like to call attention to one tactic the Yes on 2
crowd is using that I feel is disingenuous. Many marijuana supporters
will make the case that it is OK to use marijuana and OK to legalize
that use because alcohol is worse and alcohol is legal. (One variation
is to say tobacco is worse than marijuana so marijuana is okay.) This
makes less than no sense at all. If alcohol and tobacco are so evil
(and you won't get any argument from me), then instead of legalizing
another evil (marijuana), how about we just ban the other evil that is

The historical implication of alcohol prohibition aside, if you can't
make an argument to support your cause that can stand on its own two
feet, don't try to distract people or justify your position by saying
one product is "less evil" than another. None of them are good. See
you at the polls.

- - Shannon Methe

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MAP posted-by: Richard