Pubdate: Mon, 03 Nov 2014
Source: Alaska Dispatch News (AK)
Copyright: 2014 Alaska Dispatch Publishing
Note: Anchorage Daily News until July '14
Author: Natasha Von Imhof
Note: Natasha Von Imhof is a board member of the Atwood Foundation, 
Rasmuson Foundation and the Anchorage School Board. The opinions 
expressed in this op-ed piece are those of the author, and do not 
necessarily represent the views or opinions of the organizations of 
which she is affiliated.


An enjoyable morning quickly turned into a serious political debate 
during a Women in Government breakfast meeting this summer. Several 
people from Colorado had come to Alaska for the WIG conference and I 
happened to be sitting at their table. After we compared the fishing 
and recreational opportunities between the two states, the discussion 
turned to the marijuana initiative. I asked what their experience has 
been the last eighteen months since the initiative was passed. The 
conversation stopped. One person finally said, "We had no idea."

I learned that the biggest issue was the concentration of the 
psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being infused into 
edibles, such as gummy bears and cookies. The initiative was sold to 
voters as having the freedom to "light up a joint," to enjoy the 
nostalgic pleasure many associated with the counterculture of the 
60's and 70's. And secondly, to capture tax revenue from a viable 
industry. What has occurred in Colorado since January has been different.

The term "chemical warfare" comes to mind. Joining us at the table 
was Colorado State Rep. Polly Lawrence who said, "This isn't the pot 
your parents smoked 30 years ago. Today's substance is so much 
stronger." She explained that the producers refine the cannabis plant 
to create a THC oil that is highly concentrated, as well as colorless 
and odorless. Then the oil is infused into edibles.

A person cannot tell the difference between a normal edible from one 
that has been infused with THC, until the effects kick in several 
minutes later, but by then they have probably eaten a second helping. 
Unlike the alcohol industry, which is highly regulated with alcohol 
levels clearly marked on easily identifiable bottles and cans, food 
that has been infused with THC looks and tastes the same as uninfused food.

Naturally mistakes are made by unsuspecting individuals who eat 
something they think is innocuous when it in fact isn't. And it 
doesn't take much. A very small edible, such as a single brownie, 
could be enough to make a person experience an overdose of THC. This 
is particularly worrisome for younger people whose bodies are smaller 
and can't absorb high doses of the drug as easily as a full-grown adult.

What does an overdose mean? I spoke with Dr. Chris Colwell, the 
medical director of Emergency Medicine in Denver, who said since the 
availability of recreational marijuana, there has been a big jump in 
emergency room visits due to THC overdose, which he attributes to the 
lack of regulation for THC levels in edibles. Dr. Colwell said a THC 
overdose is generally not life threatening, but what worries him are 
the decisions people make while experiencing an overdose. He has seen 
those decisions be tragic and permanent.

Dr. Colwell's parting personal recommendation: "Do not make it legal 
until Alaska can regulate it in a meaningful way."

Colorado is trying to regulate the industry, but it's a long and slow 
process, says Colorado State Rep. Lois Landgraff. "It's been a 
legislative nightmare." In the meantime, consumers are assuming the 
risk as they act as test subjects in an unregulated experiment.

Taylor Bickford, head of the Alaska's Campaign to Regulate Marijuana 
like Alcohol, said that Washington state rolled out its recreational 
industry with tighter controls and better regulations. He added that 
if the initiative passes, there will be a 9-month rulemaking period 
before recreational sales can begin. It's been my experience that 
public policy moves at glacial speed. Nine months may not be enough 
time to hash out the details.

Alaskan citizens, know what you are voting for this November. If it's 
the freedom to smoke a joint, we already have that with our current 
laws. If it's to decriminalize marijuana, maybe we can do that 
without making it an industry. If it's intended to raise money, 
Colorado Sen. Randy Baumgarder says the tax revenue has been 
"significantly less than we expected." Regulation costs and social 
costs appear to exceed any tax income generated.

Please ask yourself, are the rewards worth the risk?
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom