Pubdate: Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Source: Windsor Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2014 The Windsor Star
Author: Craig Pearson
Page: A1


It's "just a point" of crystal meth, Angela says. No big deal. But 
the fix will send her into orbit.

In a graffiti-filled Windsor alley mid-afternoon, she pierces the 
crook of her arm, slowly pulls wine-red blood into the syringe, and 
"smashes" a .1-gram blast of methamphetamine hydrochloride into her vein.

The rocket rush immediately takes her.

"I hate that I love it so much," said Angela, 26, who has used 
crystal meth for a decade, injecting it the last four. "Other than 
the extreme burst of energy it gives you, I just feel super confident."

Angela, her street name, now often wakes up and for breakfast, pops a 
morphine pill followed shortly by a shot of crystal meth - or 
methamphetamine, a potent psychostimulant.

"If I have been on a binge I have to do at least a pill in the 
morning," she said. "But a pill puts me on the downs, so I have to 
get up with crystal."

She started doing drugs at 14 - a line of cocaine, supplied by her 
19-year-old boyfriend - when she moved out from her parents' place.

"I was with an older crowd and we started doing pickups in Montreal," 
Angela recalled of her introduction to the underworld. "It came in 
capsule form then. But I started doing coke before I ever tried weed 
or drank alcohol. Then I started doing crystal. I didn't bang it 
then, I only ingested it or snorted it."

Now she runs her own operation. Dips into her own stuff, too.

"Sometimes you don't think you're getting high," she said. "But by 
the time you realize you're so high, you even have to monitor your breathing."

Well-spoken and friendly, she does not look like the stereotypical 
skinny, jittery, scabbed mess that some methheads become. In an 
ironic twist, she studied addictions at college. Still, Angela cannot 
escape meth's grip.

She is not alone. A number of local agencies warn that crystal meth - 
popularized by the stylish hit cable TV show Breaking Bad, about a 
genius high school chemistry teacher turned drug dealer - is 
exploding in Windsor.

"Crystal meth is growing rapidly," said Dale Richardson, co-ordinator 
of Withdrawal Management Services at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. 
"It's so in abundance out there."

Richardson can't say for sure why crystal meth has spiked. He 
suspects, however, the cheap cost and long high seem too good to pass 
up for addicts, especially those moving away from opioids, such as 
OxyContin which was replaced in 2013 with the more tamper-resistant OxyNEO.

In 2010, for instance, Richardson's program helped 37 people with 
crystal meth addictions. This year, through to the beginning of 
December, that number rose to 222. In five years, crystal meth has 
jumped from two per cent of Withdrawal Management Services admissions 
to 12 per cent. The drug is used by males roughly 2 1/2 times more 
than females.

"It's been known as Hillbilly Heroin," Richardson said. "It's very 
addictive. The thing is, when you're coming down you crave more."

Richardson considers the drug's spell particularly severe.

"It affects people's bodies and teeth," he said. "They tend to pick 
at their skin. They think spiders are crawling on them. They have 
hallucinations. They're paranoid. They grind their teeth. They eat a 
lot of sweets. They go on highs for three, four, five days, without 
bathing. They smell pretty rancid at times when they come in."

The physical effects of methamphetamine include: anorexia, 
hyperactivity, dilated pupils, flushed skin, excessive sweating, dry 
mouth, "meth mouth" (jaw clenching), rotting teeth, headaches, 
irregular heartbeat, a change in blood pressure, diarrhea, 
constipation, blurred vision, twitching, acne, pallor and more.

Richardson finds crystal meth users difficult to deal with, as if 
they operate in overdrive but go nowhere.

"They're speeding," he said. "They pace a lot. They have different 
types of hallucinations. They talk and talk and talk and don't say anything."

That's where Withdrawal Management Services comes in: helping those 
who cannot help themselves. Crystal meth has trapped a wide range of 
people, though it seems to have zeroed in on younger people.

"We hear about crystal meth far more than we hear about any other 
drug, including crack," said Tamara Kowalksa, executive director of 
the Windsor Youth Centre. "It's more accessible than other hard drugs 
because of the cost and simply because it seems to be a lot more 
prevalent these days."

Crystal meth can differ slightly in appearance, with crystals, 
chunks, and fine course powders, and typically appears off-white to 
pale yellow in colour. It's sold loose in bags or in capsules. It 
usually costs $15 to $20 for a tenth of a gram, which can provide a 
high lasting up to three hours, depending on individual tolerance. 
Users can smoke, eat, snort and inject it.

Crystal meth is one of the reasons Kowalksa's organization formed the 
Up 2 U program, where young people support other youth battling addictions.

Windsor police spokesman Const. Andrew Drouillard said officers see 
more crystal meth these days, but don't feel it has yet exploded on 
the street - in part because of preventative policing.

"It's becoming more of an issue in Canada and it's starting to peak 
in Windsor a little bit," Drouillard said. "But we're getting ahead 
of the curve so our DIGS (drugs, intelligence, guns and surveillance) 
unit and PAVIS (the multi-force Provincial Anti-Violence Intervention 
Strategy) are on top of it, trying to get it off the streets."

Besides harming themselves, Drouillard added, addicts pose a risk to others.

"There is a direct correlation with various drug-related crimes like 
property crimes, break- and-enters, assaults," Drouillard said. "It 
can often lead to crime when you have somebody who's trying to seek 
out money to support their habit."

Byron Klingbyle, the HIV/ IDU outreach prevention co-ordinator at the 
AIDS Committee of Windsor, worries that crystal meth will soon erupt.

"It's going to be an epidemic, for sure," said Klingbyle, whose 
program helps addicts with food and counselling services. "It's going 
to be more prevalent than crack cocaine and powdered cocaine. "It's 
going to take over." Klingbyle said, for whatever reason, crystal 
meth started gaining strength in Chatham about four years ago, but 
only caught fire in Windsor over the last year or so.

"There are less people using crack cocaine and powdered cocaine and 
more people using crystal meth for a simple reason: it's cheaper," he 
said. "With crack cocaine, your euphoric high is 20 minutes. On 
crystal meth, your high is six to eight hours, depending on how much you use."

A $50 piece of crack might last a couple of hours. A user can ride 
the same price of crystal meth all night long. But it costs in other ways.

Klingbyle has seen users hit rock bottom after just a few months on 
crystal meth.

"It damages serotonin and dopamine receptors," Klingbyle said. "So 
when you stop using crystal meth you're not getting as much serotonin 
and dopamine, which leads to depression."

Klingbyle thinks front-line action - treatment centres, 
harm-reduction programs - need boosting in order to properly deal 
with the problem. The AIDS Committee of Windsor, for instance, offers 
a needle exchange and "safe inhalation kits," pipes made of Pyrex so 
that they don't as easily break, since glass chips can cut users and 
spread viruses such as hepatitis C and HIV. Klingbyle also notes that 
crystal meth leads to unsafe sex since when people are high, they 
tend to go longer and try riskier behaviour.

He encourages anyone struggling with drug addiction to seek out a 
number of treatment or counselling programs. Crystal meth scares him 
more than most drugs do.

"It's horrible," he said. "It's not going to be nice.

"But people can get off any drug if they're determined enough."

Lester Dorsey, who has struggled with substance abuse in the past, 
said he escaped crystal meth after only one month of using it - 
because he saw signs of the apocalypse.

"I like the euphoric feeling. For me, it was very sexual - what I 
mean is the warmth," Dorsey said. "But I started seeing things that 
weren't there. I saw the Four Horsemen (of the Apocalypse). They were 
standing in front of me. Because I was high, I was trying to 
communicate with them."

He decided then and there to go cold turkey, ditching crystal meth. 
So far, so good - but the temptation may never fully disappear.

Also known as meth, speed, crystal, crys, tweak, jib, Tina, and ice, 
crystal meth is a synthetic stimulant that affects the central 
nervous system. It revs up heart rate and boosts wakefulness. It 
stimulates the part of the brain that controls pleasure, fine motor 
skills, sex drive and energy levels.

Euphoria feels strong, but the crash harsh. It also increases a 
smorgasbord of side-effects, such as: irritability, restlessness, 
insomnia, anxiety, panic, paranoia, hallucinations, aggression, anti- 
social behaviour, depression and suicidal tendencies.

Overdoses trigger such problems as hostility, fever, respiratory 
distress, comas and, at its extreme, death.

"Jane" first sampled crystal meth after a fiance left her for it a 
year ago. She says she married the drug instead.

"Now I understand why he left me for it," she said recently in an 
interview with The Windsor Star. "I really don't blame him now. I'm 
angry, but I don't blame him.

"Now I'm in love with the drug. I really am."

Jane, who is in her late 30s and did not want to give her real name, 
feels swallowed whole by crystal meth.

She has lost everything: fiance, money, family, friends.

"I get so high it takes me out of this world," said Jane, dressed in 
pink pyjama bottoms and a black parka, who has used the drug daily 
since starting a year ago. "When I do crystal meth, I'm in another world."

Jane, who smoked crack for 10 years before switching her drug of 
choice, feels buried deeper than ever before.

"Every drug that you can put in a needle, I've done," said Jane, 
whose sunken cheeks hint at recent weight loss. "Crystal meth is 
worse than any of them. I wake up and it's the first thing I think 
of. I do it till I go to sleep. It's very addicting. I don't know 
what they put in it. It scares me."

The list of toxic ingredients changes somewhat from cook to cook, but 
based on ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, a shocking cocktail of 
dangerous chemicals sometimes help make meth: cough medicine, lighter 
fluid, lithium strips from batteries, hydrogen chloride gas, ether 
from spray cans, propane and more. And meth labs, fuelled by everyday 
products bought at home improvement stores, pop up in warehouses, 
basements, garages, apartments, etc.

"The cons outweigh the pros of this drug a million to one," said 
Angela, recounting the woes she and friends have suffered at the 
point of a syringe. "I've watched people pick their faces off, or 
shave their heads because they thought something was there. Some 
people get very paranoid and think everyone's plotting against them. 
I've had a friend think someone was poisoning his food and drinks."

Angela said once she started "banging" - or injecting - crystal meth, 
no other drug seemed to suffice. She largely dropped crack. Alcohol, 
forget it. She still swallows pain pills. But crystal meth - she's 
tired and sore without it - nothing quite matches its lure. Nor its sway.

"People say a crackhead will steal your stuff," she said. "But a 
meth-head will steal your stuff and help you look for it."

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Clients using Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare's Withdrawal Management Services.


2010 930

2011 989

2012 906

2013 730

2014 622 (through early Dec.)


2010 37

2011 74

2012 127

2013 168

2014 222 (through early Dec.)

The story of meth

Amphetamine was first synthesized in 1887 in Germany by Romanian 
chemist Lazar Edeleanu, who named it phenylisopropylamine. The German 
armed forces used speed extensively during the Second World War to 
increase soldier wakefulness. Methamphetamine formed the basis of 
diet pills in the 1950s, though in the 1970s the drug was deemed illegal.

Source: Wikipedia

Need help?

Places that help people struggling with crystal meth include:

Withdrawal Management Services, Hotel-Dieu Grace Health Care, 519-257-5111

AIDS Committee of Windsor, 519-973-0222

Windsor Youth Centre, 226-674-0006

Brentwood Recovery Home, 519-253-2441

House of Sophrosyne (for women), 519-252-2711
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom