Pubdate: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 Source: Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Column: One on One Copyright: 2015 The Arizona Republic Contact: Website: Details: Authors: Linda Valdez and Robert Leger TOKE IT OR BAN IT: SHOULD ARIZONA LEGALIZE POT? A state legislator has once again introduced a bill to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Arizona. Advocates also are mobilizing to put the issue on the ballot in 2016. They point to the example of Colorado and Washington to support their cause. But is full legalization of marijuana in Arizona a good idea? Editorial writer Linda Valdez and opinions editor Robert Leger debate the issue. VALDEZ: I'll be perfectly clear: I don't smoke pot. I don't think young people should use a substance that can negatively impact brain development and initiative. But I don't think kids should drink alcohol, either. When it comes to adults, however, it's simply ridiculous to keep recreational marijuana illegal. Prohibition didn't work with alcohol, and it isn't working with marijuana. The demand for recreational pot is met by vicious criminal syndicates that grow rich by providing a steady supply. The Border Patrol's Tucson Sector says agents seized a "variety of drugs" in fiscal 2014, "primarily 971,180 pounds of marijuana." Imagine how much reached the streets - and imagine how contaminated it probably was with pesticides and other nasty residue. LEGER: It's easy to say prohibition isn't working. But shouldn't we also ask if legalization works? The early returns from Colorado suggest it is no panacea. In Colorado, for instance, traffic fatalities involving drivers testing positive for marijuana doubled from 2007 to 2012. The majority of DUI arrests involve marijuana. The state now ranks fourth for pot use among teens. Nor is Colorado marijuana staying in the Rockies. Oklahoma and Nebraska sued because so much pot is overflowing their borders. But we don't have to look that far to see the drawbacks of legalization. By the narrowest of margins, Arizona voters approved medical marijuana. Some people legitimately in pain appear to have been helped. But as in other states, for most users it was just a backdoor way to toke legally while relieving their "anxiety" or other vague ailments. We still haven't figured out how to accurately assess driving under the influence for medical users. Or the many job issues that come with pot. Legalizing recreational use just makes those issues worse. VALDEZ: As you point out, we are going to have to resolve the issue of driving under the influence anyway. What's more, questions about employee use of cannabis are far more complicated with medical pot than recreational. Colorado's mistakes can help Arizona do it right. Their projections about tax revenue were overly optimistic, and the lower tax rate for medical marijuana made that option more attractive, for example. But there will be sizable tax revenues and reduced law-enforcement costs associated with legalization, and that can help our cash-strapped state. If the Legislature designs a system - far preferable to an etched-in-stone initiative - lawmakers can mandate that some percent of the tax proceeds go to a campaign to discourage use among kids, much like those "smelly puking habit" anti-tobacco ads of the mid-1990s. I'd suggest a simple question on the sides of school buses: "Are you stoned or just stupid?" LEGER: There's one thing we can agree on: Legislation is preferable to an unchangeable initiative. But even better is no legalization at all. Evolving science is showing that marijuana is not a harmless substance. It's not the good-for-a-laugh drug that propelled Cheech and Chong to stardom in our youth, or that drives the current film "Inherent Vice." The marijuana being sold in Colorado is more potent than the black-market drug of the past. That's why edible pot - brownies, cookies and the such - put so many people in the hospital. A study published by the National Academy of Sciences found an 8-point drop in IQ for people who started using marijuana in their teens and continued into adulthood. That's a lot of lost potential. It's not worth collecting a few additional tax dollars. Legalizing recreational use of marijuana is a bad idea. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom