Pubdate: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 Source: Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) Copyright: 2015 The Commercial Appeal Contact: Website: Details: Author: Ron Maxey BID TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA GETS SUPPORT Scotty Gray of Southaven thinks marijuana could help with his seizures more than the prescribed medication he's taking now. Jim Ferguson of Nesbit thinks that even when used recreationally, marijuana is less of a threat to the public than what's already available legally: "I'd much rather come across somebody on the road high on pot than drunk." It's hard to gauge how representative their views are of the larger population that will be needed to, first, get a proposal legalizing marijuana in Mississippi on the ballot and, second, get it approved by voters. There's no question, however, that Gray and Ferguson were representative of those who came to Hernando's Gale Center Saturday to hear organizer Kelly Jacobs of DeSoto County explain the process. "It's encouraging that we already have more than 700 volunteers statewide," Jacobs told the crowd of about 50, referring the number who have come forward to help gather the 107,216 signatures needed to get the proposal on the November 2016 ballot. The controversial topic of legalizing marijuana has gained traction across the nation, especially among younger voters. Twenty-three states and Washington now allow medical marijuana, and Colorado and Washington state also now allow recreational sales. No-Mid-South states have legalized its use. Despite the momentum, however, Jacobs cautioned that supporters face an uphill battle in gathering the needed signatures to put the matter to a vote in Mississippi. A minimum of 21,443 must come from each of the five congressional districts that existed in the state before redistricting reduced it four. Many people could be confused, Jacobs noted, listing themselves on petitions as members of their current congressional district instead of the old and resulting in the signature being rejected. Throw in details such as the state requiring that petitions be on legal-size paper - and not the typical size of paper used in printers that many might use to print petition copies- and there are all sorts of pit falls that supporters must overcome as they try to collect the needed number of certified signatures by this October's deadline. If they fall short, supporters could still try to reach the signature goal by December to get the measure on the 2017 ballot. But, Jacobs said during the combination question-and-answer session and training work shop, the focus is on doing everything correctly to get it on the 2016 ballot. "We could have legalized marijuana in Mississippi next year," she told the Hernando crowd. Saturday's session will be followed by similar meetings later this month in Horn Lake, Olive Branch and Southaven. Organizers said the first meeting in the state, Friday in Jackson, drew a crowd similar to Hernando. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom