Pubdate: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 Source: Daily Sentinel, The (Grand Junction, CO) Copyright: 2015 Cox Newspapers, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Emily Shockley MARIJUANA RETAILER OPEN IN DE BEQUE The first recreational marijuana store east-bound drivers encounter after crossing the Utah-Colorado border on Interstate 70 had a steady trickle of in-state and out-of-state traffic during its opening weekend. Shoppers holding driver's licenses from Colorado, Utah, Arizona, North Dakota, and Minnesota, to name a few states, came to Kush Gardens in De Beque after the shop opened its doors for the first time Saturday morning, according to employees. By Sunday afternoon, an estimated 300 to 400 adults had visited the store, according to Stephanie Swank, a bud tender at Kush Gardens. "We've had lots of travelers - I would guess 25 to 30 percent from outside" Mesa County, said Swank, who commutes from Grand Junction. Housed in a modest one-story building at 4550 U.S. Highway 6&24 beneath a smiley face and green cross-clad sign easily visible from the interstate, Kush Gardens is Mesa County's first recreational marijuana store (Colorado Alternative Health Care in Palisade is limited to medical marijuana sales) and replaces Silt as the nearest town to Grand Junction with retail pot sales. Kush Gardens Operations Manager Jim Roberts of Grand Junction said Sunday Kush Gardens considered opening in Glenwood Springs after the company signed articles of incorporation in November 2013. But the business decided to locate in De Beque after the town of roughly 500 people voted in April to permit recreational marijuana retail sales within town boundaries. Roberts said he expected about as many visitors from inside Mesa County as outside Mesa County, especially since Utah limits medical marijuana cards to epileptics only. "Being the first store coming east on Interstate 70, I don't think anyone would turn that down from a business standpoint," Roberts said. Roberts, whose mother, Dawn Palmer, owns Kush Gardens, said the business has had visitors from all over the country but received job applications from all over the world; one application came from as far away as Israel. But Roberts said many of the shop's 14 employees are from Mesa County. In addition to adding to town, county and state tax coffers, Roberts hopes the business will offer more jobs in the area, particularly if Kush Gardens gets through another application process to cultivate marijuana in-town. Kush Gardens gets much of its marijuana, concentrates, edibles and related products from Denver for now. A steady huddle of customers that oscillated between a couple people and more than a dozen mid-day Sunday perused, smelled and discussed the inventory tucked in glass display cases and a refrigerated case. One customer, who did not want to give his name because he worries about marijuana still being illegal to possess under federal law, displayed a sales receipt that listed how much of the sales tax on his purchase would go toward each government entity taking a slice of revenue from his purchase. He said the subtotal before taxes is about what he would spend to buy weed illegally, but he didn't mind chipping in extra for tax. "Here, I have more selection and relative safety," he said. Kush Gardens was the first marijuana retailer to get through De Beque's lengthy application process but three more businesses are in the application or planning process, according to De Beque Town Administrator Guy Patterson. Roberts said he has heard one such business may locate next door to Kush Gardens and another is considering moving in on the other side of the interstate, pending annexation of some land. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom