Pubdate: Wed, 25 Feb 2015
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2015 Los Angeles Times
Authors: Michael Muskal and Kyle Hopkins


Buying, Selling and Smoking Marijuana in Public Remains a Crime in 
the Last Frontier.

NOME, Alaska - On the day Alaska became the third state in the nation 
to legalize recreational pot use, folks in this party town best known 
as the finish line for the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race seemed more 
interested in watching snowmobile contestants blast into the city 
than smoking a joint. Photographs by Mark Thiessen Associated Press A 
GREEN CROSS marks the Alaska Cannabis Club in Anchorage. Alaska on 
Tuesday became the third state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

That's largely because buying, selling and smoking marijuana in 
public places remains illegal. The state law that took effect Tuesday 
allows people 21 or older to possess 1 ounce or less of pot and grow 
up to six plants on private property. They can share their homegrown 
pot with others, but there are no retail outlets or commercial growers.

Voters in the Republican state approved legalization in a referendum 
last fall, 52.15% to 47.85%. But the measure did not clear up some 
issues related to pot regulation.

State regulators are still drafting rules covering taxation and sale 
of marijuana, which must be adopted by Nov. 24. Applications for the 
first business licenses will not be accepted until February 2016, and 
marijuana won't be legal for sale until at least May 2016.

"This is a historic day, marking a legal shift," Tim Hinterberger, 
chair of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, the group 
that led the effort for legalization, said at a news conference.

"With great marijuana laws comes great responsibility," he said, 
emphasizing that his and other advocacy groups want people to smoke 
responsibly. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law and driving 
under its influence remains a crime in Alaska.

Not everyone supports legalization. Gene Fenton, who was bagging 
groceries in a store, said Tuesday that he opposed the law because he 
worried about who would eventually profit from the new industry.

"The winners will be the pharmaceutical companies," Fenton predicted. 
"They are going to control it."

Among the basic questions left unresolved was a clear definition of a 
public space, where pot use is banned.

Alaska's Alcoholic Beverage Control Board met Tuesday and unanimously 
passed a measure to broadly define public space to include streets, 
parks, schools and places where people usually meet.

The board is charged with developing regulations for pot use.

Gov. Bill Walker filed legislation Monday to create a marijuana 
control board, similar to the body that controls alcohol sales. 
Creating regulations will be a major step, officials and proponents agree.

"Now that the campaign is over, it's time to establish a robust 
regulatory system that sets an example for other states," said Taylor 
Bickford, spokesman for the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol.

Proponents maintain that a regulated, legal market would generate 
millions of dollars in tax revenue and create jobs. Law enforcement 
will be able to address serious crimes instead of enforcing failed 
marijuana prohibition laws, advocates say.

In January, Anchorage officials passed a city ordinance making 
smoking marijuana in public a violation, punishable by a $100 fine. 
Police in Anchorage have said they will enforce the public smoking law.

In addition to Colorado and Washington state, Oregon voters in 
November approved a measure similar to Alaska's, though the drug will 
not become legal until July.

A ballot initiative legalizing marijuana possession but not retail 
sales was overwhelmingly approved in Washington, D.C.

Supporters of legalization are considering campaigns in California, 
Arizona, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts.

Special correspondent Hopkins reported from Nome.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom