Pubdate: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 Source: USA Today (US) Copyright: 2015 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc Contact: Website: Details: Author: Trevor Hughes NO REEFER MADNESS IN COLORADO, AS YET The voters wanted the law changed to reflect reality. A year later, legalizing pot doesn't seem to have ended Western civilization as we know it. More than a year after Colorado legalized marijuana sales, there's a pot shop just a few steps away from the Prada, Ralph Lauren, Sotheby's and Burberry stores in this toniest of tony ski towns. Tourists from around the world step into the Green Dragon cannabis store to buy small amounts of legal - and heavily taxed - marijuana. It goes on day after day after day with virtually no muss or fuss. Welcome to my reality. More than a year ago, the editors at USA TODAY asked me to join their team as the Rocky Mountain correspondent to tell stories from across the West, from wildfires to wild weather, politics and guns. But marijuana coverage quickly became a top priority, as the world watches the legalization experiments taking place here as well as in Washington, Oregon, Alaska and the District of Columbia. Pot, or cannabis as some of the fans prefer to call it these days, has been legal here since Jan. 1, 2014. More often than not, I find myself telling those editors, "No, no, it's not like that. Colorado doesn't smell like pot all of the time. No, not everyone is stoned all of the time. And no, there isn't blood running in the streets as a result of legalization." We haven't seen the explosion in crime or car crashes that critics direly predicted, or the invasion of Mexican cartels. In other words, legalizing pot doesn't seem to have ended Western civilization as we know it, bolstering critics who say marijuana should never have been demonized by America's War on Drugs. We the people chose to legalize pot. It wasn't a decision foisted upon us by a federal court or a mandate from some far-off government bureaucrat. The voters wanted the law changed to reflect reality - the reality that people were using marijuana safely and responsibly. Your friends and neighbors smoke pot, just like mine. The only real difference is my fellow Coloradans won't get arrested or ticketed. Oh, and they pay taxes on their pot. Lots of taxes. Last year, Colorado collected $76 million in marijuana taxes and fees, not including local governments' share of the pot. The strangeness of the situation hit home the other day when I was talking to a group of business owners. One asked why marijuana tax collections had fallen below projections, and her comment prompted a double take on my part. All of a sudden, we're talking about why marijuana tax collections aren't higher instead of arguing about the societal impacts of legalization. To be sure, I've gotten to take our audience inside some unusual places. Riding in an armored car loaded with marijuana cash and driven by an ex-soldier armed with a AR-15 comes to mind, as does the first outdoor harvest of legal marijuana. Looking over stacks of cash and plants worth millions helps explain why there's so much interest in this industry. Of course, the system isn't perfect. Colorado's regulators still aren't testing marijuana for contaminants; the state is being sued by its neighbors for failing to prevent pot from flowing across its borders; there's been an increase in marijuana poisoning of children who've gotten into their parents' stash; and cops have been arresting growers who use the state's legal system as a cover for interstate drug trafficking. But life goes on in Colorado much as it has for decades, albeit with more national headlines. And not everyone is excited about those headlines. I'm pretty sure Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper would be happy to never talk about marijuana again because Colorado has so much else going on. A few weeks ago, one of Denver's business leaders, worrying all the pot coverage is giving the state a bad rap, obliquely suggested I write more about the amazing things happening here. Why aren't you writing about the state's ebullient job growth or how happy people are with their work-life balance or the number of corporate offices relocating to Denver? he asked. Without meaning to, he raised a great point: Things in Colorado haven't really changed much since we legalized pot. Colorado still has sunny skies, great skiing and fantastic people. The business climate is great and getting better, entrepreneurs are launching innovative solutions to a wide array of problems and, atop all that, you can buy marijuana legally. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom