Pubdate: Fri, 10 Apr 2015
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2015 Postmedia Network Inc.
Author: Blair Qualey
Page: D8


A lot of attention has been paid in recent years to the potentially
deadly impact of drunk and distracted driving - and rightly so. They
are among the leading causes of car crash deaths in our province.

But there's another dangerous driving habit that's starting to gain
more interest: Driving under the influence of marijuana.

It's no secret that the use of marijuana is increasing in society.
Some people use it legally to help treat symptoms associated with a
wide range of serious illnesses. There are also those people who use
it recreationally and sometimes alongside alcohol and other drugs.

Regardless of how or why someone uses it, marijuana and driving don't
mix. Studies have shown that marijuana use can impair a driver's
judgment. It can affect coordination and concentration behind the
wheel and slow reaction time, which can lead to accidents.

Experts say marijuana use can also make it difficult for drivers to
properly judge distances around them and react to signals and sounds
on the road. These are all skills necessary to safely operate a vehicle.

In 2004, data from the Canadian Addiction Survey showed that 4.8 per
cent of drivers in Canada admitted driving within two hours of using
cannabis, which is more than double the 2.3 per cent of drivers who
gave the same response in a similar study 15 years earlier.

A separate 2008 survey roadside survey, which collected oral fluid and
breath samples from a random sample of nighttime drivers in B.C., also
found that 4.6 per cent tested positive for cannabis.

A former B.C. RCMP officer has co-invented a marijuana breath test to
help catch drivers to "drug and drive." The Cannabix Marijuana
Breathalyzer, developed by Cannabix Technologies, said the breath test
is in trial testing for use by law enforcement.

Cannabix president Kal Malhi, who worked in the RCMP's drug
enforcement division, told The Vancouver Sun last year that many
drivers aren't afraid of driving after smoking marijuana, convinced
they can't get caught. He claims his device can indicate whether a
person has consumed marijuana in the last two hours.

I think we can all agree that getting high and then getting behind the
wheel can be a dangerous act. We all want to feel safe driving along
our province's roads and highways.

Be smart and help keep yourself and our roads safe.

Blair Qualey is President and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association
of BC.
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MAP posted-by: Matt