Pubdate: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2015 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Page: IN 6 GET FINDINGS OUT QUICKLY Few areas of public concern involve higher stakes. Results of controversial hair-strand testing, checking for drugs and alcohol, have been used in court to send people to jail. In other cases, the findings have been used to label parents unfit and deprive them of their children. But questions swirl around the accuracy of this process, especially analyses performed at the Hospital for Sick Children's Motherisk lab. Serious doubts have emerged and they're of vital concern to society. Innocent people's lives may have been wrecked. So when sound evidence is available on the reliability of this testing, the public should be entitled to see results in a timely manner. That doesn't appear to be happening in Ontario where an independent review, which was supposed to present findings in June, has now been given until mid-December to produce a report. The delay is understandable in that the province expanded the scope of the review this week to cover an extra five years of Motherisk work. Less easy to excuse is the absence of an interim report this spring that would make public findings from the initial stage of the review. Given what's at stake, the public deserves to know what has been found so far. Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur ordered a probe in November of five years' worth of hair-strand tests done at Motherisk between 2005 and 2010. Former Ontario Court of Appeal justice Susan Lang was assigned to examine the adequacy and reliability of the method used to produce evidence in child protection and criminal proceedings. A specific "immunoassay biochemical" hair test was in question after the Court of Appeal found conflicting evidence of reliability in October, and after the Star launched an ongoing investigation. Earlier this month, however, Lang asked the ministry to expand her review in light of what she has found so far. In response, Meilleur announced the probe's scope will now extend from 2005 to 2015, and it will examine the reliability of other hair-strand drug and alcohol testing done at Motherisk, beyond the immunoassay biochemical method initially under review. Furthermore, Ontario children's aid societies were instructed to immediately stop relying on hair-strand drug or alcohol testing, of any sort, in making child protection decisions. Lang was given a new deadline, with a final report due no later than Dec. 15. All of this makes good sense. That fact that Sick Kids suspended, and then permanently shut, all non-research related activities at the Motherisk lab indicates some level of trouble concerning these tests. Yet people remain in the dark about what precisely has gone wrong. A great deal has clearly been discovered and an interim report disclosing those findings would serve the public well. Citing Meilleur as her source, the Star's Rachel Mendleson has reported that Lang will not release an interim report because she hasn't yet "heard all the evidence." But, given Lang's original deadline, one would expect evidence pertaining to her initial assignment to have been almost entirely covered. It's not too much to expect a summary of those findings, roughly in keeping with her June delivery date. There's no risk of an interim finding affecting a specific criminal or child protection hearing. Lang has been instructed explicitly to steer clear of commenting on any individual case. Her final recommendations, however, could be used as a basis for subsequent reviews delving into specific child protection cases or criminal investigations. Another controversy involving Motherisk concerns financial connections between the program and a drug company called Duchesnay. Mendleson, along with the Star's David Bruser and Jesse McLean, have revealed a troubling lack of transparency on this front. At least some secrets can be readily cleared away - specifically concerning the immunoassay biochemical method used at Motherisk before 2010. Thanks to Lang's work so far answers should be at hand. An interim report would not present the full story on hair-strand testing. But it could provide a measure of clarity on a pressing issue that has rocked people's lives. The public is, at least, entitled to that. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom