Pubdate: Wed, 13 May 2015
Source: Colorado Springs Independent (CO)
Column: CannaBiz
Copyright: 2015 Colorado Springs Independent
Author: Bryce Crawford


Expo coming soon

You've got five weeks to empty your schedule for June 19 and 20. 
That's when the U.S. Cannabis Expo ( hits the 
Colorado Springs Event Center (3960 Palmer Park Blvd.) for an event 
full of speakers, seminars and more.

"The expo will feature an amazing lineup of speakers and panelists as 
well as exhibitors offering products for all aspects of the medical 
and recreational marijuana and hemp industries," says a press 
release. "Business owners, hands on exhibitors, trade speakers and 
industry activists will provide a unique networking experience over 
the course of the 2-day event."

Speakers will include industry types like entrepreneur KC Stark, 
owner of Studio A64; cannabis attorney Charles Houghton; and activist 
Jason Lauve. But event-goers will also find mainstream participants, 
like Robin Roberts with Pikes Peak National Bank; Rep. Jonathan 
Singer, the main state legislator when it comes to matters of the 
pot; and new Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray.

Tickets for both days are $25 in advance, $30 at the door.

New marijuana laws

The above-mentioned Rep. Jonathan Singer recently enjoyed another 
triumph: the passing by both legislative chambers of his amendment to 
allow children being treated with marijuana to receive their dose at school.

"We allow children to take all sorts of psychotropic medications, 
whether it's Ritalin or opiate painkillers, under supervised 
circumstances," FOX News quoted Singer as saying. "We should do the same here."

The law was nicknamed "Jack's Amendment" after a 14-year-old 
Coloradan named Jack Splitt, "whose personal nurse was reprimanded at 
his middle school for putting a medical marijuana patch on Jack's arm 
that was prescribed by doctors to help his spastic quadriplegic 
cerebral palsy and dystonia," the TV network reports. "They were told 
never to return with the patch again."

Hickenlooper reportedly plans to sign the bill in the next 30 days.

Other bills passed by the legislature include allowing people on 
probation or parole to use medical marijuana, reports the Associated 
Press; a request by the state to keep $58 million in 
marijuana-related taxes; and renewal of "a sweeping slate of expiring 
rules for the medical marijuana industry, including closing times for 
pot shops and a divisive change to allow some drug felons to work in 
the business."

You're doing it anyway

For the sheer joy of it, read Morgan Freeman's recently delivered 
opinion of marijuana in his voice: "My first wife got me into it many 
years ago," the actor told The Daily Beast. "How do I take it? 
However it comes! I'll eat it, drink it, smoke it, snort it!"
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