Pubdate: Thu, 11 Jun 2015
Source: Westword (Denver, CO)
Column: Ask a Stoner
Copyright: 2015 Village Voice Media
Author: Herbert Fuego


Dear Stoner: I've been smoking pot for a few years, but in the last 
six months I've started smoking more as I drink less (I'm 25). My 
parents have always been against marijuana, but I want to be honest 
with them if I continue to partake. How should I break the news?

Beaver Cleaver

Dear Beaver: It's hard to give specific advice, as I've never met 
your parents - but honesty is usually the best policy. If you don't 
see yourself ending your cannabis use anytime soon, make sure you 
educate yourself before starting the discussion. Don't rant about 
pot's ability to fight cancer you don't have or George Washington's 
hemp garden; just tell them why it benefits you. Does it help with 
anxiety? Pain? Sleep? Maybe talk about an instance in which marijuana 
made your night better without putting you in danger, as alcohol can. 
If you have a decent job and keep yourself tidy, that might help 
their outlook, too. You want to take an unapologetic stance while 
still being respectful of their questions and concerns.

My dad was almost forced to embrace cannabis after I got a job 
writing about it, but not everyone is lucky enough to have supportive 
parents. Some people refuse to change their mind regardless of how 
much you love them, and some won't approve of pot no matter how you 
spin it. If all else fails, slap a Mary's Medicinals transdermal 
patch on your dad the next time his back aches and tell him it's Icy 
Hot. The results may speak for themselves.

Dear Stoner: I don't like smoking, but I hate how long edibles take 
to kick in. Do you know of anything I don't need to smoke that will 
still help my achy knees faster?


Dear Liz: These kinds of questions are best asked at your dispensary; 
any decent budtender should be able to assist you after hearing the 
specifics of your ailments. But if you don't trust salespeople, here 
are the basics.

Tinctures are a great way to achieve a quick high without putting 
smoke in your lungs. Extracted with alcohol or vegetable oils, 
tinctures are high concentrations of THC in liquid form. Put a few 
drops of marijuana tincture under your tongue and the THC will enter 
your bloodstream almost immediately. The quick ingestion should give 
you a tingly body high within ten to fifteen minutes. And this is 
another good use of Mary's Medicinals; those transdermal patches 
contain extracted THC and CBD for pain relief and come in ten-or 
twenty-milligram dosages, so you can experiment with how much 
medication you want and where you want it.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom