Pubdate: Thu, 18 Jun 2015
Source: Westword (Denver, CO)
Copyright: 2015 Village Voice Media
Author: Herbert Fuego
Column: Ask A Stoner


Dear Stoner: I just heard about Foria, some marijuana oil claiming to 
enhance a female's sex life. Is it basically female Viagra that also 
gets me high down there?


Dear Brittany: I'm still looking for a girlfriend who will help me 
with hands-on research, but reviews of Foria describe it as more of a 
sex enhancer than a magic arousal lube. According to Foria's website, 
the potion is made with coconut oil and solventless cannabis oil, so 
a two-milligram serving sprayed in your mouth will eventually give 
you a high similar to that of tinctures or edibles - but its main 
area of application is downstairs. Women who've used Foria describe 
it as having moderately to significantly enhanced their sex lives 
while providing new sensations in bed - both with a partner and 
riding solo. However, for the most part, their vaginas were left 
disappointingly sober. To Foria's credit, its website says the oil's 
effects are more about getting you off than getting you high; while 
some people use it as lubricant, for maximum effect it should be 
applied to your nether parts thirty minutes before you have sex. And 
even if it's not as uplifting as Viagra, at the very worst, it's a 
jar of edible sex oil that you can spray in your mouth for a good buzz.

Dear Stoner: I saw an interesting program about the Charlotte's Web 
strain. Has it ever been used for people with Parkinson's disease?


Dear David: Strains with high amounts of cannabidiol - a 
non-psychoactive component of marijuana - have created something of a 
truce between medical marijuana activists and prohibitionists, who 
both agree that anything that helps sick kids is worth supporting. We 
featured the Colorado Springs-born Charlotte's Web in a cover story 
last year; the strain is named after Charlotte Figi, a child whose 
epileptic seizures severely decreased after using cannabidiol 
extractions of the strain. It became so well known that Florida's 
medical marijuana bill was named after it.

While there is strong support for what cannabidiol can do for 
epileptic patients, the jury is still out regarding Parkinson's 
disease. A 2004 study showed cannabis helped alleviate general 
symptoms by more than 45 percent - but that was before cannabidiol 
extractions were used (patients orally consumed dried leaves). A 2014 
study noted that 300 milligrams daily of cannabidiol might improve 
quality of life for Parkinson's patients, but more research and 
larger sample sizes were needed. So has it been used by people with 
PD? Absolutely. But as is so often the case with the federally 
illegal plant, science has yet to provide a definitive answer as to 
its effectiveness.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom