Pubdate: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 Source: Nanaimo Daily News (CN BC) Copyright: 2015 Nanaimo Daily News Contact: Details: Author: Gerald Hall Page: A4 TOP COURT HAS STYMIED TORY LEGISLATIVE EFFORTS I can only hope the outrage of Federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose with the Supreme Court of Canada's recent bizarre and irresponsible ruling on medical marijuana is echoed across this country. The unanimous decision expands the definition of "medical marijuana" beyond dried leaves to include cannabis oils, teas, brownies and numerous other forms of the drug. Since when does an unelected group of judges have the right to usurp the authority of our Ministry of Health, the only body qualified to decide on what is and what is not medicine, and ignore the rigorous and proper procedure of scientific research in such an important decision affecting the health of millions of Canadians? The top court in the land has deliberately closed their eyes to the fact that cannabis has never been scientifically proven to be a safe medicine. Of late, there have been a rising number of respected columnists who have not been shy to justifiably criticize the The Supreme Court. It is high time the blind and slavish adulation of this group of nine unelected judges is challenged. The mythical idea that this court is never wrong and beyond criticism is outdated well beyond a safe expiry date. This is the court that ruled Canada's common sense prostitution laws are "unconstitutional." This is the court that out of personal bias and good use of ambiguity ruled Justice Marc Nadon to be not qualified to sit on the high court. This is the court that in their "infinite wisdom" gave convicted criminals one-and-a-half days off their sentence for every day they spend in pre-trial custody. This is the "compassionate" court which thoughtlessly ruled to strike down the ban against euthanasia in Canada with little or no thought for the fears of our elderly. So how is it that a court that is supposed to properly interpret and enforce laws has such a high opinion of themselves that they have taken to making laws? We can't vote out the top court like we can bad governments but maybe it is time to bring things back into balance with a tool left called the "notwithstanding" clause. Gerald Hall Nanoose - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom