Pubdate: Sun, 19 Jul 2015 Source: Hudson Hub-Times (OH) Copyright: 2015 Record Publishing Co, LLC. Contact: Details: Author: Kenneth Wood UNCLE SAM SAYS NO TO MARIJUANA Looks like someone other than myself votes "No" on this November's likely ballot issue seeking a constitutional amendment legalizing the personal use and growth of marijuana in Ohio. This "No" voter is Uncle Sam in the embodiment of the Internal Revenue Service. Let me explain. Marijuana is still classified on federal drug schedules as a "Schedule I" controlled substance. Thus, under federal law, the sale of marijuana remains illegal. A recent newspaper article highlighted a story that a famous boy band star and other luminaries may invest in a pot-growing center to be located in Hudson. Pot investors, try this one on for size: Internal Revenue Code section 280E specifically denies a deduction or credit for any expense in a business consisting of trafficking in illegal drugs "prohibited by federal law or the law of any state in which such trade or business is conducted." Thus, IRS will not allow even a state-sponsored marijuana growing business to deduct its expenses on its federal tax return! Federal laws criminalizing these activities remain; punishments can be assessed against anyone who grows, sells, imports, or holds controlled substances,such as marijuana. In fact, the Drug Enforcement Agency has used these laws to raid marijuana businesses that are legal under state statutes and regulations. Tax adviser/CPAs should also be aware of an unofficial paper drafted by the AICPA with input from the CPA societies. This paper advises CPAs to be wary of offering services to marijuana businesses because doing so may inadvertently violate a "good moral character" rule promulgated by their state's governing professional board of accountancy. Even where decriminalized, marijuana trafficking remains a source of violence, crime and social disintegration. Furthermore, studies have shown that legalized marijuana will provide nowhere near the economic windfall proclaimed by its proponents. "Responsible?" hardly. Kenneth Wood, Hudson - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom