Pubdate: Mon, 03 Aug 2015 Source: Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Copyright: 2015 Sun-Sentinel Company Contact: Website: Details: Author: Stefanie Loh, Tribune Newspapers TIME TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA IN SPORTS? You've seen the ubiquitous prescription drug commercials on television. A happy couple walks hand-in-hand along an isolated beach as the sun sets in the background. The drug name flashes across the screen. Cue a voice over listing all the possible side effects - always in staccato speed because, well, the number of possible side effects is long enough that it would take a while to get through them all at regular pace. Kyle Turley was watching one of those commercials earlier this year when he decided enough was enough. He was done with synthetic drugs. A decade-long NFL career left him with a multitude of health issues. Turley's football injuries broke his body, but he's also convinced that football did irreparable damage to his brain. He's struggled with anxiety, headaches, depression and rage issues. In an interview with the UnionTribune in 2013, he even admitted to having entertained suicide. To help him deal with his ailments, Turley's doctors have prescribed a multitude of painkillers, psych meds and muscle relaxants over the years. Depakote. Wellbutrin. Zoloft. Flexeril. Percocet. Vicodin. Toradol. Vioxx. You don't need to know what each of these drugs is designed to do. The point is that dating back to when he blew out his knee in college in 1996, Turley has been on them all at some point, often in different prescribed combinations, over a period that spans almost 20 years. That ended in February when Turley decided to free himself of all prescription medications and use only marijuana - a move he credits with saving his life. The sports world appears to be waiting to see what happens politically in regard to marijuana, with the movement to legalize it gaining steam in the United States. Twenty-three states have now legalized marijuana in some form, with four of those (Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Colorado) allowing for outright recreational use for adults aged 21 and older. The drug is still illegal in all the major pro sports leagues and very restricted at the NCAA level. In the meantime, there's a growing segment of athletes who believe the health benefits to be gained from the marijuana plant outweigh the risks - especially when compared to the opioids they've long been prescribed. Experts in the field of pain medicine agree that everything is coming to a head. "We have 100 million Americans in chronic pain. We don't have good, strong and safe therapies. We have a crisis with pain and opioids in this country," said Dr. Lynn Webster, a past president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. "We need to find better treatments for athletes and nonathletes, and cannabinoids may by one way." Pain or stress management? Cannabis has been used as a recreational drug for decades, yet because there's such a stigma attached, it's difficult to determine when athletes started taking marijuana for pain or stress management. One of the earliest known instances of a high profile pro athlete being busted for the drug was in 1993, when Boston Celtics center Robert Parish - then the oldest player in the NBA at age 39 - was charged with marijuana possession after a drug-sniffing dog detected it in a FedEx package addressed to him. Parish later told the Boston Globe that he used marijuana to relax after games and that he quit smoking in 1995. A 1997 New York Times story estimated that "60 to 70 percent" of NBA players smoked marijuana, though this pre-dated the medicinal marijuana wave of the 2000s, and it appears that marijuana was used mostly as a recreational drug. Around the turn of the decade, evidence suggests more athletes started using marijuana more to help manage pain from injuries, especially in the NFL. Running back Jamal Anderson, who played for the Atlanta Falcons from 1994 to 2001 recently told Bleacher Report that during his career about "40 to 50 percent of the league" used marijuana. Ricky Williams, who played for the Saints, Dolphins and Ravens from 1999 to 2011, has also publicly talked about using marijuana during his career to help control pain and stress. The focus on the issue sharpens when you consider that the NFL currently faces a lawsuit filed in May by a group of former players who allege that all 32 teams liberally dispensed large quantities of painkillers to injured players in a "conspiracy" to keep them on the field without fully educating them on the risks these medications present. Anderson, Williams, Turley and former Denver Broncos tight end Nate Jackson are now part of a growing number of former players who believe that marijuana is a safer way to help athletes deal with pain. "It's natural for football players to lean toward marijuana to deal with the violence and trauma of the game," said Jackson, 36, who played for the Broncos from 2003-08, and who estimates that up to half his team might have used marijuana. "Teams will prescribe you bottles and injections that are really bad for you. Cannabis was what my teammates and I preferred. "It was a supplement/recovery for me. (Opioids or marijuana), it was never a dilemma. It was a physical reaction to substances that I assessed after trying both and realizing that marijuana was better for my mind and body. I don't like taking pills. They make me feel slow, sluggish and heavy." The violent nature of professional football almost ensures a continuous litany of injuries throughout the season. In 2014 alone, 365 NFL players found themselves on the reserve/injured list. Injuries are acknowledged as part of the profession, an occupational hazard, if you will. In Jackson's six-year NFL career, for instance, he broke his fingers, broke a rib, separated both his shoulders, broke his tibia, tore the medial collateral ligament in his knee and tore his hamstring off the bone twice. He used marijuana after practices and games for relief from his injuries. The NFL only tests for marijuana between April and August, so it's not difficult for players who use cannabis to work around that and stay under the radar while ensuring they pass the drug screening. Turley also used marijuana regularly when he played in the NFL because he said it helped him deal with some of his health issues - anxiety, sleeplessness and depression among them. Now, he's returned to marijuana as a way to manage his ailments in his post-NFL life. With California's liberal medical marijuana policies, access to marijuana was one of the reasons Turley uprooted his family from Nashville, Tenn. back to his hometown of Riverside last April. Since weaning himself off all prescription drugs three months ago and transitioning solely to medicinal marijuana, Turley has noticed a "night and day difference in his psyche." He no longer suffers from low testosterone, his libido is back, and his anxiety issues have improved. "I don't have as bad depression any more, that's getting better. The cognitive impairment seems to be getting a little bit better. Life is more manageable, I have more energy and feel more alive," Turley said. "I don't think about killing myself any more. Suicidal thoughts and tendencies were part of my daily living. "At the end of the day, I was losing hope with the synthetic drugs and now I feel better. It's giving me hope again, helping with depression and anxiety." Some athletes also tout marijuana for its value as a neuro-protectant though scientific studies on the subject are still very preliminary. Some studies of the drug have found just the opposite - that it can actually lead to suicidal thoughts in some users. Like many medical issues, the anecdotes from true believers is increasingly at odds with the clinical evidence, stoking emotions on both sides. More research could prove valuable for athletes looking for answers outside established medical practices that they have come to distrust - - especially NFL players who have in the last five years become much more aware of how concussions and head trauma sustained during their football careers can cause long term brain damage or chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) - the progressive, degenerative brain disease that results from multiple subconcussive blows to the head. Turley has been diagnosed with early onset dementia, and has had his brain scanned for damage. Scans yielded a "big blurred area that doctors are concerned about," Turley said. Put together the results of the scans, his memory issues, depression and anxiety problems, and Turley believes he has CTE. Turley also thinks marijuana might be helping his brain to heal. "I believe that the answer lies in marijuana and I'm on that search to figure that out. ... With marijuana I saw some pretty amazing things and how it can deal with brain injury and this disease I have," Turley said. "From memory to function, there are some wonders in this medicine. Yet, for all his praises of marijuana, even Turley admits that in terms of its properties as a medicine, it's still very much an untested commodity. While he has no medical or scientific credentials, he is passionate about the subject and is anxious to learn more. "There's no real science behind this yet," Turley said. "I'm really looking forward to expanding on my experience with it now that it's giving me relief. "If I have to take something, I'd rather take something that grows from the ground and has medicinal properties than something that the government grows or I have to get from Walgreens." Some benefits The cannabis plant has several hundred chemical compounds, but two of the main chemicals are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the principal psychoactive compound - the chemical that produces a high, but has also been found to have analgesic, anti-spasm, anti-nausea and appetite stimulating properties. CBD might help with seizures, anxiety, psychosis management and management of diseases in which inflammation is an important element. It's difficult for scientists to do extensive research on marijuana in the United States because its status as a Schedule 1 drug - it's deemed to have a high potential for abuse and has no medical purpose - - means the federal government regulates its dispensation for use in all scientific studies, and this is often a long, tedious process. But several uses of cannabis have been established in recent years. In 2012, British researchers at the University of Reading found that a chemical in the cannabis plant helped to suppress epileptic seizures with no side effects. Last fall, researchers from St. George's University of London also discovered that cannabinoids can help to treat brain cancer. "Cannabis can help with neuropathic pain - a kind of burning, tingling hyper-sensitivity type of pain," said Dr. Igor Grant, the head of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at UCSD. "We see this with some diseases like HIV and certain kinds of injuries to the nervous system. This type of pain does not respond to typical pain medication such as Ibuprofen or opioids." Cannabis can also help with weight gain - "the idea of the munchies is really true. These are appetite stimulants," Grant said - and control of nausea and vomiting, especially with cancer patients." From an athletic standpoint, the benefits of marijuana have not been extensively studied, but much of what is known comes from a 2011 scientific manuscript on cannabis in sport that was authored by Dr. Marilyn Huestis, the Chief of Chemistry and Drug Metabolism at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Huestis is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's Prohibited Drug Committee and she worked with WADA scientific officers Irene Mazzoni and Olivier Rabin on the review. The investigators concluded that while additional research into the effects of cannabis on athletic performance is needed, the acknowledged benefits are as follows. According to Huestis' manuscript, cannabis: Induces relaxation and steadiness Relieves the stress of competition Improves sleep and recovery after an event Reduces anxiety and fear Increases risk taking, which could improve performance Increases appetite, which could help athletes gain weight if they're trying to bulk up. Enhances sensory perception Decreases respiratory rate Increases heart rate Acts as an analgesic that can help athletes work through injuries and pain from training fatigue. At the moment, there's little to no research that shows marijuana helps the human brain heal from concussions. UCSD's Grant said some animal studies have been done on the subject, and "a little bit of human work." He concedes that it's "not an outlandish idea," but also points out that it has not been established. Helps or hurts? So does marijuana help or hurt people in the long run? Turley argues for the former. The little green bud of marijuana that he holds between the thumb and index finger of his left hand is dwarfed by the quart-sized Ziploc bag he clutches in his right hand. The bag is full of prescription pill bottles. It represents everything Turley weaned himself off this year. "I've tried all the medicines in this freaking bag," he says, shaking the Ziploc bag with all his pill bottles before holding up the bud of marijuana in his left hand. "Not one of them does what this does." "My charge is to take this away from the 'pot head and reefer madness' crowd and bring this to an arena where we can be educated about it," Turley said. "I'm really interested in finding more answers in the plant that grows in the ground instead of the synthetic things that have really controlled my life for the last 15 years or more." Some scientists are on his side. They want marijuana declassified from the Schedule 1 drugs to open up the opportunity for more extensive research on its benefits. It's all about relativity. Opioids or marijuana: which is more dangerous for an athlete when it comes to pain management? - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom