Pubdate: Sat, 08 Aug 2015 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Copyright: 2015 Los Angeles Times Contact: Details: Author: Patrick McGreevy POT FARMS FACE BIG FINES Brown Signs 16 Bills, Including One Focusing on Environmental Damage From Illegal Marijuana Grows. Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday signed 16 bills into law, including one that allows steep civil fines against marijuana farms that damage the environment by dumping wastewater and chemicals, removing trees and killing wild animals. Introduced by Sen. Bill Monning (D-Carmel), the measure grew out of concern that the number of illegal growing operations in parklands and forests had increased significantly since state voters approved medical marijuana use in 1996. Last year, state agents participated in nearly 250 raids on illegal marijuana operations - in which 609,480 plants were eradicated and 15,839 pounds of processed pot was seized. Investigators found more than 135 dams or diversions in rivers and streams that resulted in the theft of about 5 million gallons of water for marijuana grows. "These practices exacerbate California's already historic drought conditions and severely affect Coho salmon runs and other fishery populations," Monning said. Although stream diversion already is subject to civil fines, the new law would provide for fines of up to $40,000 for illegally dumping many kinds of hazardous materials into rivers and streams, and up to $10,000 for removing trees or trapping and killing wildlife. "The need for flat, fertilized land to cultivate cannabis plants has forced some bad actors to eliminate native vegetation and destroy forested habitat, often bulldozing acres of land with no regard for its ecological effects," Monning said, adding that cleanup and restoration can cost up to $15,000 per acre. Brown also signed a new law aimed at protecting neighborhoods from chemical explosions caused by laboratories creating methamphetamine and concentrated cannabis. The measure, by Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), allows the court to provide additional penalties as factors of aggravation in drug cases where occupied residences are within 200 feet of a methamphetamine lab and 300 feet of concentrated cannabis manufacturing. The measure was requested by the California District Attorneys Assn. because of concern that the process for making the two drugs involves volatile chemicals that have been known to cause explosions and fires. Brown also vetoed a bill by Sen. Andy Vidak (R-Hanford) that would have required the state Department of Education to gather and post on its website data showing how many students are transported to school by bus in each district. Vidak argued that education agencies needed the data for administrative purposes, including the ability to compare their efficiency levels with other agencies. "While well-intended, I am unconvinced that this voluntary data collection would produce meaningful information or is a valuable use of limited resources at the local or state level," Brown wrote in his veto message. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom