Pubdate: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 Source: Standard Freeholder (Cornwall, CN ON) Copyright: 2015 Cornwall Standard Freeholder Contact: Website: Details: Author: Greg Peerenboom, Page: A2 Planning Advisory Committee SET CRITERIA FOR MED MARIJUANA FACILITIES The city has drafted criteria that will guide the possible development of medical marijuana producing facilities. Following considerable research into this 'growing' industry, city councillors will be asked at Monday's planning advisory committee meeting to add a new definition to the city's zoning bylaw. Prepared by senior planner Mary Joyce-Smith, the definitions will have these specific requirements for medical pot plants: * operations would be entirely indoor, including storage, within a licensed building, * private residences cannot be utilized, * specific land availability would be confined to the Business Park on manufacturing zones 30 and 40: north to south from Highway 401 to Tenth Street East; west to east from the residential zoning boundary east of McConnell Avenue to Boundary Road, and there should 150-metre setbacks from residential and institutional zoning, * properties must be fenced in and subject to individual site plan control to address parking and loading, * be equipped with outdoor surveillance equipment, * provide notification of Health Canada license application and granting to the city, * provide notice to fire department and city police. Joyce-Smith reported that new definitions are needed after new federal regulations were issued by Health Canada in April 2014. As Health Canada considers marijuana production as 'pharmaceutical grade', research indicated a commercial marijuana facility would need to be in an industrial area under a controlled environment, she reported. Four private entities have expressed interest in developing a marijuana facility, according to Cornwall's economic development department. Smiths Falls is already home to a large marijuana facility, the former Hershey chocolate plant. The public can provide input into the proposed definitions at a public meeting that preceded the planning advisory committee at city hall, 7 p.m. Monday. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom