Pubdate: Sun, 23 Aug 2015 Source: Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) Copyright: 2015 Appeal-Democrat Contact: Website: Details: Author: Eric Vodden SUPPORT FOR POT EXCISE TAX Yuba-Sutter's representative on the state Board of Equalization said last week he supports imposing an excise tax on medical marijuana in connection with any state legislation regulating cannabis. "I'm the first to admit that government is too bloated and that Californians are overtaxed," said 1st District Board of Equalization member George Runner, a Republican. "But the fundamental question here is who should pay the steep costs of marijuana-related activities that include trespass on public lands, water theft and unregulated use of pesticides." State lawmakers have been considering the idea of statewide legislation regulating marijuana amid confusion over current cannabis regulations that vary from county to county and city to city. Assemblyman James Gallagher, R-Nicolaus, earlier opposed a bill that would give the state more control over regulating medical marijuana. But since then, he has acknowledged there might be a need for state oversight. Runner said an excise tax on pot would provide local law enforcement with revenue needed to fight crimes associated with marijuana cultivation. "Simply put, why should those who don't use marijuana pay the environmental costs associated with growing marijuana?" Runner asked. Area Congressman John Garamendi, D-Walnut Grove, is a supporter of the Environmental Protection Agency's recently released Clean Power Plan. The plan, announced by President Barack Obama and the EPA earlier this month, would regulate emissions of carbon dioxide from existing generation sources. Garamendi, a member of the Congressional Safe Climate Caucus, said he believes "reversing the dangerous trends of global warming and climate change is the central challenge of our time." State Sen. Jim Nielsen, R-Gerber, whose district includes Yuba and Sutter counties, decried legislation last week that would increase the fee for submitting a proposed state ballot initiative. Under AB 1100 authored by Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, the filing fee would increase from $200 to $2,000. Nielsen said the bill, which passed on the Senate floor and will go back to the Assembly for concurrence, "is all about discouraging citizens from initiating and repealing laws." The state Fair Political Practices Commission last week approved a settlement agreement with Nielsen over an allegation he made an illegal political donation in 2012. The commission voted 4-0 to uphold the agreement after pulling it from the consent agenda for separate discussion. Nielsen and campaign officials allegedly made a contribution through a third party that exceeded Political Reform Act limits. The agreement settles an allegation that Nielsen, R-Gerber, made a $4,320 contribution through Tehama GOP to pay for a radio ad supporting unsuccessful Assembly candidate Bob Williams. Nielsen, Taxpayers for Nielsen and treasurer Charles Bell are required to pay $9,000 of a penalty totaling $23,000. Nielsen is also responsible for a $1,000 fine for receiving an unlawful gift. Also paying portions of the fine are Tehama GOP, Williams, Friends of Bob Williams and David Bauer. Marysville office, 1530 Ellis Lake Drive - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom