Pubdate: Sat, 05 Sep 2015
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2015 The Denver Post Corp


Activists who decided to withdraw a proposed ballot initiative in 
Denver that would have allowed pot use in bars and other businesses 
seem to have awakened to reality.

The public wasn't ready for such a proposal. There was a high 
probability it would have been defeated at the polls, even in liberal 
Denver where Amendment 64 passed with ease.

At the very least, proponents need to narrow the measure's focus and 
secure wider support for whatever they propose next time.

One big problem with their original proposal: It appeared to conflict 
with Amendment 64's ban on public consumption, which is now in the 
state constitution. Denver voters are not free to ignore that passage 
just because activists want a broader license to smoke pot.

Organizations such as the Downtown Denver Partnership and the 
Colorado Restaurant Association have indicated they are open to 
discussions regarding a substitute ballot measure. That's good - so 
long as the goal is to substantially roll back previous language.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom