Pubdate: Wed, 09 Sep 2015
Source: Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA)
Copyright: 2015 Appeal-Democrat
Author: Karen Liggett


I was at the hearing for the pot people suing Yuba County in early 
August. And their lawyer stated her clients did not want regulations 
for growing their so-called medicine. Like not to be forced to let 
law enforcement or code enforcement on the property to count the 
number of pot plants they have. Not be forced to build a structure 
that will keep the smell in. And also not to have to register with Yuba County.

It sounds like to me they don't like rules. Well, we all have rules 
to go by. Nobody is exempt.

Also, they claim they can't afford the requirements the ordinance 
stated. Well, if we want to go on a trip, buy a car, etc., don't we 
save up the money to do them? Or we don't get to do our to-do list. 
Same thing for them. Save up their money, then pay for the building, 
etc. The pot people are not exempt. The law states the county has the 
right to decide, not the pot people.

Nobody said they can't grow. But if they choose to, pay the amount to do it.

Please do not sign their petitions. Keep Linda safe.

Ask them if they are the pot people. If they don't say so, then you 
will know what they are about. Trying to make Linda area unsafe.

If you sign the petitions, look forward to home invasions, honey oil 
explosions and other crimes.

Karen Liggett

Yuba City
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom