Pubdate: Wed, 23 Sep 2015
Source: Herald and News (Klamath Falls, OR)
Copyright: 2015 Herald and News
Author: Samantha Tipler


Klamath County Commission Unanimous Against Pot Sales

Klamath County commissioners continued their fight against marijuana 
Tuesday, when all three voted in favor of a ban on medical and 
recreational marijuana dispensaries.

"I think we've lost the war on marijuana," said commissioner Jim 
Bellet. "We've been fighting this war for decades. A few battles have 
been won. Most of the war has been lost. I don't think this war 
should continue forever."

Despite saying that he, commission chairman Tom Mallams and 
commissioner Kelley Minty Morris all voted for the ban.

The ordinance prohibits:

Marijuana processing sites

Medical marijuana dispensaries

Marijuana producers

Marijuana processors

Marijuana wholesalers

Marijuana retailers

Commissioners made their decision after two hours of testimony 
Tuesday morning, concluding the third hearing on the issue.

Minty Morris said after all that testimony, she was "not sure" how to 
vote on the issue. In the end, her yes vote was contingent upon a 
plan to put the issue before voters in November 2016.

"I want to be fair, I want to be a representative of the people," she 
said. "I'd like to see it referred by the board to the voters for the 
general election. If it were to pass I would support intelligent and 
heavy regulation."

Mallams said the only way he would allow an issue to get on the 
ballot would be through the initiative process, where voters collect 
signatures. He would not support commissioners putting it on the ballot.

Mallams was also steadfast in his opposition to legal marijuana.

"This is a very divisive issue. There's no doubt whatsoever," Mallams 
said. "I think opting out is the way to go. I think it gives 
opportunity to the citizens to voice that freedom of choice through 
the initiative process. That gives the citizens the right to put it 
to a vote of the people."

Commissioners previously put a temporary ban on medical marijuana 
dispensaries, the first one lasted from May 2014 to May 2015, but 
commissioners extended it to May 2016.

In Nov. 2014 Oregon voters passed Measure 91, legalizing recreational 
marijuana. But in Klamath County, 56 percent of voters said no to 
Measure 91. That opened the door for the commissioners to ban 
marijuana sales, according to laws passed by the Legislature last 
session. Marijuana use remains legal.

The ordinance commissioners passed included the six items above. 
Bellet said he may support medical marijuana dispensaries. Minty 
Morris put forth an amendment to the ordinance to only ban five of 
the six items, leaving medical marijuana dispensaries allowed. No one 
voted for the amendment, so the ordinance continued to ban all six options.

"Yes, the state of Oregon voted for this, Klamath County, whether you 
want to say we're dragging our feet or are not up to the times, I can 
live with that," Mallams said. "This is not Salem. This is not 
Portland. This is Klamath County. And I want to keep the values we 
have in Klamath County.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom